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Internet Connection Security Components

Internet connection security components, such as firewalls, are used to assist in securing your device's connections to the Internet.

The following tables show Internet connection security features and the Windows XP Embedded components that must added to support them.

Windows Firewall

Windows Firewall protects system ports from external access.

Required components Key binary
Windows Firewall and Internet Connection Sharing alg.exe, hnetcfg.dll, hnetcfg.mof, ip6fw.sys, netfw.inf


S/MIME provides e-mail encryption.

Required components Key binary
Mapi32 Libraries Mapi32.dll
Cryptnet.dll Cryptographic Network Services
Crypt32.dll Primitive: Crypt32


WebDav/WebFolders encrypts files across a shared network for EFS file systems.

Required components Key binary
Web Folders Msonsext.dll


HTTPS adds Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS) encryption security.

Required components Key binary
Wininet Library Wininet.dll
Local Security Authority Subsystem (LSASS) Schannel.dll
Primitive: Secur32 Secur32.dll
Primitive: Crypt32 Crypt32.dll
Primitive: Cryptdll Crypt32.dll
Primitive: Netapi32 Netapi32.dll
Netlogon/NetJoin Netlogon.dll

Point to Point Protocol (PPTP) / Level 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP)

PPTP and L2TP provides secure access of a private, remote network through a virtual private network (VPN).

Required components Key binary
Dial-up Networking Common Libraries Raspptp.sys, Rasl2tps.sys

See Also

Add Security Features to a Run-Time Image | Wireless Networking Encryption | Network Security Components

Last updated on Wednesday, October 18, 2006

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