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This IOCTL retrieves the address of a peer Bluetooth–based device for connection handle.


  • hDeviceContext
    [in] Device context handle.

  • fSelector

  • cInBuffer
    [in] Equals 2.

  • pInBuffer
    [in] Must be an aligned pointer to an unsigned short handle.

  • cOutBuffer
    [in] Equals sizeof(BD_ADDR).

  • pOutBuffer
    [in] Must be an aligned pointer to the BD_ADDR structure.

    [out] Contains the Bluetooth address of a peer device.

  • pcDataReturned
    [out] Equals cOutBuffer.

Return Values

If the call succeeds, the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS.

If the function fails, the following table shows a list of possible error values.

Error value Description
ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID Connection for the handle does not exist.
ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Parameters are invalid (buffers are not properly sized).
ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE HCI is not active or there is no hardware.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Bt_ddi.h.

See Also


Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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