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How to Add a Device Driver to the Catalog (Windows CE 5.0)

You can add a device driver to the Catalog using Platform Builder as a part of the larger process of creating a device driver for use with Windows CE.

You should add your device driver to the Catalog after you create and build a driver that correctly interacts with both your hardware and the Windows CE operating system (OS).

Hardware and Software Assumptions

The following table shows the steps to add a device driver to the Catalog. To track your progress, you can select the check box next to each step.

  Step Topic
1. If you do not have an existing driver selected, create a driver.

For example, you can use the existing Power Management sample driver, located at %_WINCEROOT%\Public\Common\Oak\Drivers\PM\Test\Devsample.

How to Create a Device Driver
2. Create and customize a .cec file for your driver. Creating a .cec File for a Driver

Customizing a .cec File Using the CEC Editor

3. Use the CEC Editor to import the .cec file into the Catalog.
Note   If the driver does not appear in the Catalog when you import it, you might need to use Manage Catalog Items to remove the file and then re-import it to add your driver to the Catalog.
Adding a Device Driver to the Catalog

Removing a .cec File from the Catalog

4. In the Catalog, navigate to Third Party to verify that your driver has been added to the Catalog.

If the application you have selected does not appear in the Catalog, do one of the following:

  • Right-click in the Catalog window and select Refresh Catalog.

From the Platform menu, choose Refresh Catalog Items.

Not applicable

See Also

Creating a .cec File for a Driver | Adding a Device Driver to the Catalog | Copying and Modifying an Existing .cec File for a Driver | Catalog Item Files | Tutorial: Creating a Catalog Item and Adding It to an OS Design

Last updated on Thursday, February 02, 2006

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