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IDirectDrawPalette::SetEntries (Windows CE 5.0)

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This method changes entries in a DirectDrawPalette object immediately.

HRESULT SetEntries(DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwStartingEntry, DWORD dwCount, LPPALETTEENTRY lpEntries);


  • dwFlags
    This parameter is currently not used and must be set to zero.
  • dwStartingEntry
    First entry to be set.
  • dwCount
    Number of palette entries to be changed.
  • lpEntries
    Address of the palette entries. The palette entries are one byte each if the DDPCAPS_8BITENTRIES flag is set and four bytes otherwise. Each field is a color description.

Return Values

If the method succeeds, the return value is DD_OK.

If the method fails, the return value may be one of the following error values:



OS Versions: Windows CE 2.12 and later. Version 2.12 requires DXPAK 1.0 or later.
Header: Ddraw.h.
Link Library: Ddraw.lib.

See Also

IDirectDrawPalette::GetEntries | IDirectDrawSurface5::SetPalette

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