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Breakpoints List Window: Breakpoint Properties Dialog Box (Windows CE 5.0)

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Use this dialog box to see the properties for a breakpoint.

The Breakpoints Properties dialog box displays properties that depend on the type of breakpoint specified:

  • For a location breakpoint, the dialog box displays only the properties of a location breakpoint.
  • For a data breakpoint, the dialog box displays only the properties of a data breakpoint.
  • For a messages breakpoint, the dialog box displays only the properties of a message breakpoint.

The following topics describe the types of Breakpoints Properties dialog boxes.

Location Breakpoint

The location Breakpoints Properties dialog box appears when the specified breakpoint is a location breakpoint. A location Breakpoints Properties dialog box displays a text box that specifies the location of the specified breakpoint.

  • Location
    Click to see the following items:

    • The name of the function that the breakpoint is assigned to
    • The name of the file that contains the breakpoint
    • The line in the file where the breakpoint exists
  • Condition
    Click to display the Breakpoint Condition Dialog Box, where you can enter a conditional expression.

    The debugger only stops at the breakpoint if the condition is met.

  • Hardware
    Click to display the Breakpoint Selection Dialog Box, where you can specify whether to set a hardware or software breakpoint.

    **Note   **This button is enabled only while eXDI Hardware-Assisted Debugging is available.

  • OK
    Click to process your input and close the dialog box.

  • Cancel
    Click to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Data Breakpoint

The data Breakpoints Properties dialog box appears when the specified breakpoint is a data breakpoint.

  • Enter the expression to be evaluated
    Use to enter a variable or expression that determines whether the debugger stops at the breakpoint.

    The expression can be a Boolean expression, which evaluates to true or false, or a non-Boolean expression, such as a+b/c:

    • If you specify a Boolean expression, the execution stops at the breakpoint if the condition evaluates to true.
    • If you specify a non-Boolean expression, execution stops if the value of the expression has changed since the last time the breakpoint was passed.

    Expressions in data breakpoints can require additional information. To enter this information, click the menu button at the right of this field to select Advanced; then enter the information in the Advanced Breakpoint Dialog Box.

  • Enter the number of elements to watch in an array or structure
    Type the number of elements you want to monitor.

    If you specified a dereferenced pointer, such as *lptr, in the box above, use this field to enter the length (in bytes) of the memory addressed by the pointer. The length must be a positive number.

  • OK
    Click to process your input and move to the next step.

  • Cancel
    Click to close the dialog box without saving changes.

Messages Breakpoint

The messages Breakpoints Properties dialog box appears when the specified breakpoint is a messages breakpoint.

  • Specify the Context
    Enter the function name, source file name, and executable file name that set the context for the message.

  • Break at WndProc
    Enter the name of the WndProc you want to break on, or select a WndProc name from the drop-down list.

    Set one breakpoint for each message to watch.

    Enter the message you want to break on, or select a message from the drop-down list.

  • OK
    Click to process your input and move to the next step.

  • Cancel
    Click to close the dialog box without saving changes.

See Also

Breakpoints List Window | Breakpoints

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