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Output Window (Windows CE 5.0)

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The Output window displays several types of information.

The Output window has separate tabs of output for each tool, such as Build, Debug, Log, and Find in Files. To display the output from a given tool, select that tab at the base of the Output window.

You can copy information from the Output window by using the copy command on the Edit menu, and print using the Print command on the File menu.

Select a specific line of text to keep a specific line in view.

To enable autoscrolling, place the cursor on the last line.

To find out more about an error reported in the Output window, click the line with the error and press F1.

The following table shows descriptions of the tab functions in the Output Window.

Tab Description
Build Displays progress and error messages from the compiler and linker.

The list includes all errors that prevent a program from building, with filename, line number, and error number.

To find the source code corresponding to an error, select the error, click the right mouse button, and then click Go To Error/Tag on the shortcut menu.

The status bar gives a summary of the current error. The status bar is displayed by default, or you can turn it on from the Workspace tab of the Options dialog box from the Tools menu.

Debug Displays output from the debugger.

Notifications print to the Debug tab when services start or stop.

The Debug tab also displays the following information:

  • Messages received from the Target Message (CETerm) service.
  • Information about connection problems when connecting to a hardware-assisted debugging driver.
  • Output from a command run by the Target Control service.

    For more information about the Target Control commands, see Target Control Window.

  • Output from a command run from the Debug menu by choosing Advanced Commands.
Log Displays output from any windows that have a Log button on them.

When you press a Log button, the contents of the window are formatted and printed to the Log tab of the Output window.

Find in Files 1 and Find in Files 2 Displays the results of two Find In Files searches.

You can display the results of one search on the Find in Files 1 tab, and the results of another search on the Find in Files 2 tab.

In the Find in Files dialog box (Edit menu, Find in Files command), you specify which tab you want the results to go to.

If you select the Output to pane 2 check box, the results go to the Find in Files 2 tab; otherwise, they go to the Find in Files 1 tab.

You can bring up a shortcut menu by right-clicking on the Output window to bring up a shortcut menu.

The following table shows the functions available in the shortcut menu.

Icon Item Description
ms934584.copy(en-us,MSDN.10).gif Copy Copies information from the selected tab.
No icon Clear Clears information from a specific tab.
No icon Go To Error/Tag Sees the specific instruction in the source code that is causing the highlighted error or uses the highlighted tag.

Opens an edit window that shows your source code, if one is not already open.

No icon Docking View Select to switch the active window from docking to nondocking mode.

A check mark appears if the window is in the docking mode.

When a window is in docking mode, it can be docked to the border of the main Platform Builder window or, by pressing the CTRL key and clicking on the frame of the window, it can be changed to a floating window.

This floating window can be moved outside the main Platform Builder window and can be redocked at any time.

If the window is in nondocking mode, it appears inside the main Platform Builder window and cannot be docked.

No icon Hide Hides the active window.

See Also

Creating a Project | Windows and Document Views

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