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Workspace Creation in the IDE

In the IDE, when you select New Platform from the File menu, the New Platform Wizard creates a workspace. The following list shows the results of the wizard:

  • Creation of a workspace directory

    • A README.txt file explaining the directory layout
    • A workspace file (.wce), which tracks your workspace settings.
    • An options (.opt) file, which contains tools options such as breakpoint settings
  • Creation of a platform directory, located in %_WINCEROOT%\%_TGTPROJ%.

  • Storage of information about selected features in the workspace's .wce file.

  • Creation of release directories in %_WINCEROOT%\%_TGTPROJ%\Reldir.

    For example, if you build an x86 configuration for the Emulator, the release directories are named EMULATOR_X86Debug and EMULATOR_X86Retail.

For more information about the New Platform Wizard, see Platform Creation with the New Platform Wizard.

See Also

Workspace Creation | Platform Modification | Creating a Workspace from the Command-Line

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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