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INetCfgBindingPath::GetPathToken method

The GetPathToken method retrieves the identifier of a binding path that is unique across operating system reboots.


HRESULT GetPathToken(
  [out] LPWSTR *ppszwPathToken


  • ppszwPathToken [out]
    Pointer to a buffer that receives a constant null-terminated string of 16-bit Unicode characters that contain the binding path's identifier. This identifier is unique across operating system reboots.

Return value

Returns zero (S_OK) if successful; otherwise, returns NETCFG_* codes that are defined in Netcfgx.h. If the returned pointer points to NULL, GetPathToken returns E_POINTER.


After notify objects call GetPathToken to retrieve the identifier of a binding path, GetPathToken allocates the memory required to store the string that contains the identifier. After notify objects finish with the identifier, they must call the COM CoTaskMemFree function to release the memory. For more information about CoTaskMemFree, see the Microsoft Windows SDK.


Target platform



Netcfgx.h (include Netcfgx.h)

See also




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