MSHTML Editing Reference
This section contains reference information for MSHTML Editing.
Topic | Contents |
IDisplayPointer | Provides methods that control display pointers so that you can mark sections of an HTML document for editing based on the on-screen rendering of a document. |
IDisplayServices | Provides methods that enable the user to work with display pointers and the insertion point as they relate to the on-screen layout. |
IElementSegment | This interface provides methods that control a fragment of HTML markup in the current editable selection that consists of a single element. |
IHighlightRenderingServices | This interface provides methods that enable you to control which sections of a document are highlighted on the screen and the style of highlighting. |
IHighlightSegment | This interface enables you to control a highlighted section of a document. |
IHTMLCaret | Provides methods that control the insertion point (caret) in the editor. |
IHTMLChangeLog | Provides a method to get information stored in a change log about the changes in a markup container. |
IHTMLChangePlayback | Provides a method to play back change records from a change log. |
IHTMLChangeSink | Provides notification when a change has occurred in the contents of a markup container. |
IHtmlDlgSafeHelper | Provides methods to programmatically access the color dialog box, the block format collection, and the fonts collection. |
IHTMLEditDesigner | Provides methods that enable clients using the editor to intercept Windows Internet Explorer events so that they can change the default behavior of the editor. |
IHTMLEditHost | Provides a method to customize the way that elements are resized and moved. |
IHTMLEditHost2 | Extends IHTMLEditHost with a method that enables you to intercept drag-and-drop operations at a stage earlier than the HTMLFrameSiteEvents::ondragstart event. |
IHTMLEditServices | Provides methods that enable you to add or remove edit designers, and to control the current selection. |
IHTMLEditServices2 | Extends IHTMLEditServices. |
IHTMLPainter | This custom interface provides methods to MSHTML so that it can draw a rendering behavior. |
IHTMLPainterEventInfo | This custom interface provides methods to MSHTML so that a rendering behavior can provide certain special event handling. |
IHTMLPainterOverlay | This custom interface provides a method to MSHTML that enables a rendering behavior to use the Microsoft DirectDraw hardware overlay buffer, if the buffer is present. |
IHTMLPaintSite | This interface provides methods that enable a rendering behavior to communicate with MSHTML from within the behavior's implementation of the IHTMLPainter::Draw and IHTMLPainter::HitTestPoint methods. |
IIMEServices | This interface enables an Active Input Method Editor to access the Active Input Method Manager. |
ILineInfo | This interface provides properties that contain information about a line of text in a rendered HTML document. |
IMarkupContainer | This interface is an object representing the organization of elements and text in a page. |
IMarkupContainer2 | This interface provides methods that control a markup container. |
IMarkupPointer | This interface, along with the IMarkupServices interface, allows the contents of the page to be programmatically manipulated from your C++ program. |
IMarkupPointer2 | This interface provides methods that move a markup pointer within a markup container and gather information about the contents of the container. |
IMarkupServices | This interface, along with the IMarkupPointer interface, allows the contents of the page to be programmatically manipulated from your C++ program. |
IMarkupServices2 | This interface provides methods, along with the IMarkupContainer2 and IMarkupPointer2 interfaces, that enable you to edit the contents of an HTML document from your C++ program. |
IMarkupTextFrags | This interface provides methods that enable you to insert and remove text from a markup container that is not a part of the actual markup in the container. These text fragments are attached to the content of a markup container, but are not a part of the container itself. They are not represented in the tree for the document. They are, however, saved to the document when the document is saved (for instance, by sending the command IDM_SAVE or IDM_SAVEAS through the IOleCommandTarget interface). |
ISegment | This interface provides a method that creates containers (segments) for fragments of HTML markup in the current editable selection. These segments can include both a range of elements and element fragments. |
ISegmentList | This interface provides methods that access information about a list of the segments in the current selection. |
ISegmentListIterator | This interface provides methods that enable you to traverse a segment list represented by an ISegmentList interface and retrieve its individual members. |
ISelectionServices | This interface provides methods to programmatically clear, add content to, and remove content from the selection object. |
ISelectionServicesListener | This custom interface provides methods that the editing component of MSHTML calls whenever certain events fire for a selection object that has a registered ISelectionServicesListener interface. This interface provides processing for undo events, for selection type changes, and whenever the mouse pointer exits the scope of an element in the editable selection. An application should supply an implementation of this interface for a selection object so that the editing component of MSHTML can respond to these events. |
Topic | Contents |
HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO | Provides information that a rendering behavior might need to draw itself properly or more efficiently. |
HTML_PAINT_XFORM | Represents matrices in the HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO structure for transforming or translating a rendering behavior's display output when the behavior supports transformations. |
HTML_PAINTER_INFO | Passes information from a rendering behavior to MSHTML regarding the behavior's needs, functionality, and how it is to be rendered. |
Topic | Contents |
CARET_DIRECTION | Specifies to the IHTMLCaret::MoveCaretToPointer and IHTMLCaret::MoveCaretToPointerEx methods which direction should be the caret's forward direction. |
COORD_SYSTEM | Contains values used by the IDisplayServices::TransformPoint and IDisplayPointer::MoveToPoint methods to specify the frame of reference for horizontal and vertical coordinates. |
DISPLAY_BREAK | Contains values used by the IDisplayPointer::QueryBreaks method that describe the kind of break located at a display pointer's position. |
DISPLAY_GRAVITY | Contains display gravity options for the IDisplayPointer::GetDisplayGravity and IDisplayPointer::SetDisplayGravity methods. |
DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT | Contains options for display pointer movement used by the IDisplayPointer::MoveUnit method. |
ELEMENT_ADJACENCY | An enumerated type that contains the different options for the IMarkupPointer::MoveAdjacentToElement method. |
ELEMENT_CORNER | Indicates to the IHTMLEditHost::SnapRect method which handle or corner of an element a user has selected during an element resize or move operation. |
ELEMENT_TAG_ID | An enumerated type that contains the different options for GetNameForTagID, GetTagIDForName, GetElementTagId, and CreateElement methods. |
HT_OPTIONS | Contains hit-testing options used by the IDisplayPointer::MoveToPoint method. |
HT_RESULTS | Contains hit-result options used by the IDisplayPointer::MoveToPoint method. |
HTML_PAINT_DRAW_FLAGS | Used by MSHTML to pass information to the IHTMLPainter::Draw method for a rendering behavior's use. |
HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO_FLAGS | Specifies which HTML_PAINT_DRAW_INFO structure members to fill during a call to the IHTMLPaintSite::GetDrawInfo method. |
HTML_PAINT_EVENT_FLAGS | Specifies which IHTMLPainterEventInfo methods should be called in response to successful hit-tests on the element to which a rendering behavior is attached. |
HTML_PAINT_ZORDER | Indicates the order in which a behavior is to be rendered relative to the document content. Used in the lZOrder member of the HTML_PAINTER_INFO structure. |
HTML_PAINTER | Specifies a behavior's rendering attributes and requirements. Used in the lFlags member of the HTML_PAINTER_INFO structure, which MSHTML retrieves when it calls IHTMLPainter::GetPainterInfo. |
LINE_DIRECTION | Specifies whether a line of text reads from left to right or from right to left in a call to ILineInfo::lineDirection. |
MARKUP_CONTEXT_TYPE | An enumerated type that contains the different options for the IMarkupPointer::Right and IMarkupPointer::Left methods. |
MOVEUNIT_ACTION | An enumerated type that contains the different options for the IMarkupPointer::MoveUnit method. |
POINTER_GRAVITY | An enumerated type that indicates whether a markup pointer will stay with the markup to its right or left when markup is inserted at the pointer's location. |
SAVE_SEGMENTS_FLAGS | Contains flags used by the IMarkupServices2::SaveSegmentsToClipboard method. |
SECUREURLHOSTVALIDATE_FLAGS | Specifies the URL validation rules for ISecureUrlHost::ValidateSecureUrl. |
SELECTION_TYPE | Specifies the current selection type in the ISelectionServices::SetSelectionType and ISegmentList::GetType methods. |
Topic | Contents |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_ALLOWRECOVERY | Determines whether the script holder should allow tab recovery. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_HTMLDLGTRUST | Indicates whether an HTML dialog is trusted. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_IURI | Retrieves the URL of the current document as an IUri. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_SECSTATE | Indicates whether the Web site is secure and the length of the encryption key. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_SECURITY_WINDOW | Provides access to the window object for the current document. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_SID | Retrieves the security ID of the current document. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_TRUSTEDDOC | Indicates whether a document is trusted. |
CMDID_SCRIPTSITE_URL | Retrieves the full URL of the current document. |
IDM_1D_ELEMENT | Determines if an element is statically positioned. |
IDM_2D_ELEMENT | Determines if an element is absolutely positioned. |
IDM_2D_POSITION | Allows absolutely positioned elements to be moved by dragging. |
IDM_ABSOLUTE_POSITION | Sets an element's IHTMLCurrentStyle::position property to "absolute." |
IDM_ADDTOGLYPHTABLE | Adds an entry or entries to the glyph table, which specifies images to display for specific tags in design mode. |
IDM_ATOMICSELECTION | When this command is issued in design mode, any element that has an ATOMICSELECTION attribute set to TRUE will be selectable only as a unit. |
IDM_AUTOURLDETECT_MODE | Turns automatic URL detection on and off. |
IDM_CSSEDITING_LEVEL | Allows you to choose which CSS level (CSS1 or CSS2) the editor will support, if any. |
IDM_DISABLE_EDITFOCUS_UI | Turns off the hatched border and handles around a site selectable element when the element has "edit focus" in design mode; that is, when the text or contents of the element can be edited. |
IDM_EMPTYGLYPHTABLE | Removes all entries from the glyph table, which hides all images displayed for tags in design mode. |
IDM_IE50_PASTE | Performs a paste operation compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. |
IDM_IE50_PASTE_MODE | Sets the MSHTML Editor paste operation to be compatible with Internet Explorer 5. |
IDM_KEEPSELECTION | Maintains a selection in a browser instance when the browser loses focus. |
IDM_LIVERESIZE | Causes the MSHTML Editor to update an element's appearance continuously during a resizing or moving operation, rather than updating only at the completion of the move or resize. |
IDM_MULTIPLESELECTION | Allows for the selection of more than one site selectable element at a time when the user holds down the SHIFT or CTRL keys. |
IDM_OVERRIDE_CURSOR | Commands the MSHTML Editor never to change the mouse pointer. The mouse pointer will remain fixed as the last icon before the IDM_OVERRIDE_CURSOR command was issued. |
IDM_REMOVEFROMGLYPHTABLE | Deletes an entry or entries from the glyph table. |
IDM_REPLACEGLYPHCONTENTS | Replaces the current glyph table with a new one, changing which tags have images or which images are displayed for tags in design mode. |
IDM_RESPECTVISIBILITY_INDESIGN | When this feature is activated, any element that has a IHTMLCurrentStyle::visibility set to "hidden" or IHTMLCurrentStyle::display property set to "none" will not be shown in both design mode and browse mode. |
IDM_SHOWALIGNEDSITETAGS | Displays a glyph for all elements that have a IHTMLCurrentStyle::styleFloat property. |
IDM_SHOWALLTAGS | Displays glyphs to show the location of all tags in a document. |
IDM_SHOWAREATAGS | Displays a glyph for all the area tags. |
IDM_SHOWCOMMENTTAGS | Displays a glyph for all the comment tags. |
IDM_SHOWMISCTAGS | Displays all the tags shown in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0. |
IDM_SHOWSCRIPTTAGS | Displays a glyph for all the script tags. |
IDM_SHOWSTYLETAGS | Displays a glyph for all the style tags. |
IDM_SHOWUNKNOWNTAGS | Displays a glyph for all the unknown tags. |
IDM_SHOWWBRTAGS | Displays a glyph for all the br tags. |
IDM_SHOWZEROBORDERATDESIGNTIME | Draws a thin gray border in design mode around block elements that have no borders to show where their boundaries are. |