MoveUnit method
Moves a display pointer to the specified position.
HRESULT retVal = object.MoveUnit(eMoveUnit, lXPos);
eMoveUnit [in]
Type: DISPLAY_MOVEUNITA DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT enumeration that specifies where the display pointer is to move.
lXPos [in]
Type: LONGA LONG value that specifies how many pixels to the right from the beginning of the line the display pointer should be positioned.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
Setting lXPos to -1 will position the display pointer at the same position horizontally as it was before.
Setting eMoveUnit to DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_TopOfWindow places the display pointer at the beginning of the top line in the window. DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_BottomOfWindow places the display pointer at the end of the last line in the window.
This method will ignore lXPos if eMoveUnit is set to DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_CurrentLineStart, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_CurrentLineEnd, DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_TopOfWindow, or DISPLAY_MOVEUNIT_BottomOfWindow.