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FindFrame method

Searches for a particular frame.


HRESULT retVal = object.FindFrame(pszTargetName, ppunkContextFrame, dwFlags, ppunkTargetFrame);


  • pszTargetName [in]
    Type: LPCWSTR

    The address of a string that contains the name of the frame to search for.

  • ppunkContextFrame [in]
    Type: IUnknown

    A pointer to an IUnknown interface that specifies the context frame.

  • dwFlags [in]
    Type: DWORD

    An unsigned long integer value that contains the flag that controls the search. The flag must be one of the values in FINDFRAME_FLAGS.

  • ppunkTargetFrame [out]
    Type: IUnknown

    A pointer to an IUnknown interface that specifies the target frame.