CreateEntry method
Inserts a new entry in the travel log.
var retval = TravelLogStg.CreateEntry(pszUrl, pszTitle, ptleRelativeTo, fPrepend);
pszUrl [in]
Type: LPCOLESTRA pointer to a string that specifies the URL of the entry to add.
pszTitle [in]
Type: LPCOLESTRA pointer to a string that specifies the title of the new entry.
ptleRelativeTo [in]
Type: ITravelLogEntryA pointer to the entry before or after which the new entry will be placed.
fPrepend [in]
Type: BOOLA BOOL that if TRUE, indicates the new entry is placed before the entry specified by ptleRelativeTo; if FALSE, the new entry is placed after the specified entry.
pptle [out]
Type: ITravelLogEntryA pointer to the new entry.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
CreateEntry creates a new entry with the given properties, and places it in the queue relative to ptleRelativeTo. If ptleRelativeTo is NULL, the new entry is inserted relative to the current entry.