globalAlpha property
Gets or sets the current alpha or transparency value that is applied to global composite rendering operations.
object.put_globalAlpha(number v);object.get_globalAlpha(number* p);
Property values
Type: number
Level of transparency. For example: ctx.globalAlpha = 0.7;
0.0 (fully transparent) to 1.0 (no transparency)
The alpha value.
1.0 (Default)
Standards information
- HTML Canvas 2D Context, Section 4
If you set the ICanvasRenderingContext2D::globalAlpha property to a value outside the range (including infinity or not a number (NaN)), the previous value is preserved.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Global Alpha example</title>
<canvas id="MyCanvas" width="600" height="600">
Canvas isn't supported for this document mode or version of the browser
var canvas = document.getElementById("MyCanvas"); // Get the canvas element.
if (canvas.getContext) // Test for support.
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); // Get the context to draw on.
ctx.fillStyle = "red"; // Specify black as the fill color.
ctx.strokeStyle = "black";
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i += .1) {
ctx.globalAlpha = 1 - i; // Reduce transparency as we loop
xyOffset = 25 + (i * 200); // Calculate an offset of 20px
ctx.fillRect(xyOffset, xyOffset, 200, 200); // Create a filled rectangle.
ctx.strokeRect(xyOffset, xyOffset, 200, 200); // Put an outline around it