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Commands Ins-Ins (JavaScript)

Command identifiers Ins-Ins for JavaScript.

  • InsertButton
  • InsertFieldset
  • InsertHorizontalRule
  • InsertHTML
  • InsertIFrame
  • InsertImage
  • InsertInputButton
  • InsertInputCheckbox
  • InsertInputFileUpload
  • InsertInputHidden
  • InsertInputImage
  • InsertInputPassword
  • InsertInputRadio
  • InsertInputReset
  • InsertInputSubmit
  • InsertInputText
  • InsertMarquee
  • InsertOrderedList
  • InsertParagraph
  • InsertSelectDropdown
  • InsertSelectListbox
  • InsertText
  • InsertTextArea
  • InsertUnorderedList


Overwrites a button control on the text selection.

Command InsertButton


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the button control.


Overwrites a box on the text selection.

Command InsertFieldset


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the box. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a horizontal line on the text selection.

Command InsertHorizontalRule


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the horizontal line. May be set to null or omitted.


Inserts HTML at the insertion point, overwriting any text selection.

Command InsertHTML


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Required. Variant of type String that contains valid HTML.


Overwrites an inline frame on the text selection.

Command InsertIFrame


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the inline frame. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites an image on the text selection.

Command InsertImage


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Optional. This command displays a dialogue box if the bUserInterface argument of execCommand is set to true or omitted. It does not display a dialogue box if the argument is set to false or null and the vValue parameter is present (even if it's null).

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies the path and file name of the image to insert. If the command displays a dialogue box, this parameter is ignored.

If no path is provided for the image file, the path will default to the location of the current document.

Although this command is available for Windows Store app using JavaScript, it is recommended that you use the image picker to allow users to select an image.


Overwrites a button control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputButton


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the button control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a check box control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputCheckbox


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the check box control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a file upload control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputFileUpload


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the file upload control. May be set to null or omitted.


Inserts a hidden control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputHidden


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the hidden control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites an image control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputImage


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the image control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a password control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputPassword


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the password control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a radio control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputRadio


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the radio control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a reset control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputReset


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the reset control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a submit control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputSubmit


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the submit control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a text control on the text selection.

Command InsertInputText


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the text control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites an empty marquee on the text selection.

Command InsertMarquee


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the marquee. May be set to null or omitted.


Toggles the text selection between an ordered list and a normal format block.

Command InsertOrderedList


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the ordered list. May be set to null or omitted.

If the previous format block is already an ordered list, this command identifier will append the current format block to that previous ordered list. If the text selection contains named objects, they are replaced by the list.

The following example converts the paragraphs of a document into a list:

var tr = document.body.createTextRange();
tr.execCommand("InsertOrderedList", false, 'listId'); 


Overwrites a line break on the text selection.

Command InsertParagraph


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the paragraph. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a drop-down selection control on the text selection.

Command InsertSelectDropdown


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the drop-down selection control. May be set to null or omitted.


Overwrites a list box selection control on the text selection.

Command InsertSelectListbox


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the list box selection control. May be set to null or omitted.


Inserts the given text string at the current location (similar to PasteText behavior).

Command InsertText
Minimum availability Microsoft Edge


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Variant of type String with the given text to insert.

document.execCommand("InsertText", false, "the text to insert");


Overwrites a multiline text input control on the text selection.

Command InsertTextArea


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the text input control. May be set to null or omitted.


Converts the text selection into an ordered list.

Command InsertUnorderedList


Call execCommand with the following parameters.

  • bUserInterface
    Set to false.

  • vValue
    Optional. Variant of type String that specifies an id attribute for the unordered list. May be set to null or omitted.

If the previous format block is already an ordered list, this command identifier will append the current format block to that previous ordered list. If the text selection contains named objects, they are replaced by the list.

The following example converts the paragraphs of a document into a list:

var tr = document.body.createTextRange();
tr.execCommand("InsertUnorderedList", false, 'listId');