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Returns the text attributes for an arbitrary scriptlet.


HRESULT GetScriptletTextAttributes(  
   LPCOLESTR          pstrCode,  
   ULONG              uNumCodeChars,  
   LPCOLESTR          pstrDelimiter,  
   DWORD              dwFlags,  
   SOURCE_TEXT_ATTR*  pattr  


[in] The scriptlet text. This string need not be null terminated.

[in] The number of characters in the scriptlet text.

[in] Address of the end-of-scriptlet delimiter. When pstrCode is parsed from a stream of text, the host typically uses a delimiter, such as two single quotation marks (''), to detect the end of the scriptlet. This parameter specifies the delimiter that the host used, allowing the scripting engine to provide some conditional primitive preprocessing (for example, replacing a single quotation mark ['] with two single quotation marks for use as a delimiter). Exactly how (and if) the scripting engine uses this information depends on the scripting engine. Set this parameter to NULL if the host did not use a delimiter to mark the end of the scriptlet.

[in] Flags associated with the scriptlet. Can be a combination of these values:

Constant Value Description
GETATTRTYPE_DEPSCAN 0x0001 Indicates that identifiers and dot operators should be identified with the SOURCETEXT_ATTR_IDENTIFIER and SOURCETEXT_ATTR_MEMBERLOOKUP flags, respectively.
GETATTRFLAG_THIS 0x0100 Indicates that the identifier for the current object should be identified with the SOURCETEXT_ATTR_THIS flag.
GETATTRFLAG_HUMANTEXT 0x8000 Indicates that string content and comment text should be identified with the SOURCETEXT_ATTR_HUMANTEXT flag.

[in, out] Buffer to contain the returned attributes.

Return Value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Value Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


A smart host that implements IDebugDocumentText interface can use this method to delegate calls to the IDebugDocumentText::GetText method.

This call is provided because scriptlets tend to be expressions and may have a different syntax than a script block. If they have the same syntax, the implementation of this method will be identical to the implementation of the GetScriptTextAttributes method.

See also

IActiveScriptDebug Interface
IDebugDocumentText Interface