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Understanding Test Result Categories


Applies To: Microsoft HPC Pack 2008 R2, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012, Microsoft HPC Pack 2012 R2

When you run diagnostics, the results are flagged with a test result category. This allows you to quickly identify the results that might require investigation. Diagnostics that are categorized as Warning, Failure, or Failed to Run are additionally signaled by an alert icon in the Tests Results list view and by an alert icon in the Node Management list view next to nodes that have not passed diagnostics.

The following table shows the diagnostic test and report result flags and what they mean. For more information, see online diagnostics resources.

Test result category



The diagnostic is currently running. To track the progress of the diagnostic, select the diagnostic instance in the views pane, and click Progress of the test in the Actions pane.


The test was successful, or the configuration or functionality diagnostic returned the expected results.


The diagnostic did not fail, but there were issues that the node administrator may need to investigate.


The diagnostic has failed, or the configuration or functionality diagnostic gave results that were not expected of a healthy system. To troubleshoot the failure, review the diagnostic results in the Detail Pane.

Failed To Run

The diagnostic failed to run and no result was produced. Errors or exceptions encountered are displayed in the Detail Pane for the diagnostic run.


The diagnostic was run and completed. Diagnostics that use this status, such as configuration reports, do not succeed or fail. You can view the diagnostic report to see the current system configuration.


A diagnostic result of Warning, Failure, or Failed To Run causes a warning icon to appear next to the failed nodes in the Node Management list view. A diagnostic result of Failure or Failed To Run causes the Node Health to be marked as Warning.

Additional references