operations Package
ActivityRunsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:activity_runs> attribute. |
ChangeDataCaptureOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:change_data_capture> attribute. |
CredentialOperationsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:credential_operations> attribute. |
DataFlowDebugSessionOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:data_flow_debug_session> attribute. |
DataFlowsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:data_flows> attribute. |
DatasetsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:datasets> attribute. |
ExposureControlOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:exposure_control> attribute. |
FactoriesOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:factories> attribute. |
GlobalParametersOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:global_parameters> attribute. |
IntegrationRuntimeNodesOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:integration_runtime_nodes> attribute. |
IntegrationRuntimeObjectMetadataOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:integration_runtime_object_metadata> attribute. |
IntegrationRuntimesOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:integration_runtimes> attribute. |
LinkedServicesOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:linked_services> attribute. |
ManagedPrivateEndpointsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:managed_private_endpoints> attribute. |
ManagedVirtualNetworksOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:managed_virtual_networks> attribute. |
Operations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:operations> attribute. |
PipelineRunsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:pipeline_runs> attribute. |
PipelinesOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:pipelines> attribute. |
PrivateEndPointConnectionsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:private_end_point_connections> attribute. |
PrivateEndpointConnectionOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:private_endpoint_connection> attribute. |
PrivateLinkResourcesOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:private_link_resources> attribute. |
TriggerRunsOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:trigger_runs> attribute. |
TriggersOperations |
Warning DO NOT instantiate this class directly. Instead, you should access the following operations through <xref:triggers> attribute. |
Azure SDK for Python