Sorted function

Fully qualified name: Std.Arrays.Sorted

function Sorted<'T>(comparison : (('T, 'T) -> Bool), array : 'T[]) : 'T[]


Given an array, returns the elements of that array sorted by a given comparison function.

Type Parameters


The type of each element of array.



A function that compares two elements such that a is considered to be less than or equal to b if comparison(a, b) is true.


The array to be sorted.


An array containing the same elements as array, such that for all elements a occurring earlier than elements b, comparison(a, b) is true.


The following snippet sorts an array of integers to occur in ascending order:

let sortedArray = Sorted(LessThanOrEqualI, [3, 17, 11, -201, -11]);


The function comparison is assumed to be transitive, such that if comparison(a, b) and comparison(b, c), then comparison(a, c) is assumed. If this property does not hold, then the output of this function may be incorrect.