Relabel operation

Fully qualified name: Std.Canon.Relabel

operation Relabel(current : Qubit[], updated : Qubit[]) : Unit is Adj


Relabels the qubits in the current array with the qubits in the updated array. The updated array must be a valid permutation of the current array.



Array of qubits to be relabeled.


Array of qubits with which to relabel the current array.


This operation is useful when you need to relabel qubits in a way that does not incur any quantum operations. Note that when compiling for execution on hardware with limited qubit connectivity, this operation may not result in any changes to qubit adjacency and one or more SWAP gates may still be required.


The following example demonstrates how to relabel qubits in a register:

use qubits = Qubit[3];
let newOrder = [qubits[2], qubits[0], qubits[1]];
Relabel(qubits, newOrder);

After this operation, any use of qubits[0] will refer to the qubit that was originally qubits[2], and so on. To exchange the labels on two qubits, the virtual equivalent of a SWAP gate, you can use the following code:

use (q0, q1) = (Qubit(), Qubit());
Relabel([q0, q1], [q1, q0]);

Note that the adjoint of this operation effectively changes the order of arguments, such that Adjoint Relabel(qubits, newOrder) is equivalent to Relabel(newOrder, qubits).