StartCountingFunction operation

Fully qualified name: Std.Diagnostics.StartCountingFunction

operation StartCountingFunction<'In, 'Out>(callable : ('In -> 'Out)) : Unit


Starts counting the number of times the given function is called. Fails if the function is already being counted.


This operation allows you to count the number of times a given function is called. If the given function is already being counted, calling StartCountingFunction again will trigger a runtime failure.



The function to be counted.


When counting lambdas, the symbol the lambda is bound to is used to identify the function and it is counted as a separate function. For example,

let myFunc = i -> AbsI(i);

Will count specifically calls to myFunc and not AbsI. By contrast, the following code will count calls to AbsI itself:

let myFunc = AbsI;

This is because this code does not define a lambda and instead just creates a binding to AbsI directly.