StartCountingOperation operation

Fully qualified name: Std.Diagnostics.StartCountingOperation

operation StartCountingOperation<'In, 'Out>(callable : ('In => 'Out)) : Unit


Starts counting the number of times the given operation is called. Fails if the operation is already being counted.


This operation allows you to count the number of times a given operation is called. If the given operation is already being counted, calling StartCountingOperation again will trigger a runtime failure. Counting is based on the specific specialization of the operation invoked, so X and Adjoint X are counted separately. Likewise Controlled X, CNOT, and CX are independent operations that are counted separately, as are Controlled X and Controlled Adjoint X.



The operation to be counted.


Counting operation calls requires specific care in what operation is passed as input. For example, StartCountingOperation(H) will count only the number of times H is called, while StartCountingOperation(Adjoint H) will count only the number of times Adjoint H is called, even though H is self-adjoint. This is due to how the execution treats the invocation of these operations as distinct by their specialization. In the same way, StartCountingOperation(Controlled X) will count only the number of times Controlled X is called, while StartCountingOperation(CNOT) will count only the number of times CNOT is called.

When counting lambdas, the symbol the lambda is bound to is used to identify the operation and it is counted as a separate operation. For example,

let myOp = q => H(q);

Will count specifically calls to myOp and not H. By contrast, the following code will count calls to H itself:

let myOp = H;

This is because this code does not define a lambda and instead just creates a binding to H directly.