Data Asset (Azure Data Catalog REST API)


Annotates an asset.

etag property is optional and is used for concurrency control.



Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
view_name Name of Data Asset View. String
view_item_id ID of a View item. String
nested_view_name Name of a nested View item. String
api-version The API version. String

Example: Add Experts

Content-Type: application/json
x-ms-client-request-id:   13d9f885…a92d-8a9f8cf9f707
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX ... FWSXfwtQ


    "etag": "59085E253E2244A59F664A2F447E675E",
        "fromSourceSystem": false,
        "key": "22c3fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf--1111fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf",
            "upn": "",
            "objectId": "1111fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf"

Example: Add Glossary Term Tags



Content-Type: application/json
x-ms-client-request-id:   13d9f885…a92d-8a9f8cf9f707
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX ... FWSXfwtQ


    "etag": "59085E253E2244A59F664A2F447E675E",
        "fromSourceSystem": false,
        "key": "22c3fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf--1111fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf",
        "termId": "",

Example: Add Glossary Column Term Tags



Content-Type: application/json
x-ms-client-request-id:   13d9f885…a92d-8a9f8cf9f707
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX ... FWSXfwtQ


    "etag": "59085E253E2244A59F664A2F447E675E",
        "fromSourceSystem": false,
        "key": "22c3fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf--1111fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf",
        "columnName": "Col1",
        "termId": "",


Status codes

Code Description
201 Created. The request was fulfilled and a new annotation was created.
200 OK. An existing annotation was updated.
412 Precondition Failed. The request was canceled because of the ETag mismatch in at least one item.




HTTP/1.1 201 Created
x-ms-request-id: 72cf83c0…058f2b2a0c68

Register or Update

Registers a new data asset or updates an existing one if an asset with the same identity already exists. The items can optionally contain ETag values to enable optimistic concurrency control for them.

Get started sample on GitHub




Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
view_name Name of Data Asset View. String
api-version The API version. String

POST example



Content-Type: application/json    
x-ms-client-request-id: 13c45c14…46ab469473f0    
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX ... FWSXfwtQ

Body example

    "roles": [  
            "role": "Contributor",  
            "members": [  
                    "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201"  
    "properties": {  
        "fromSourceSystem": true,  
        "name": "Orders",  
        "dataSource": {  
            "sourceType": "SQL Server",  
            "objectType": "Table"  
        "dsl": {  
            "protocol": "tds",  
            "authentication": "windows",  
            "address": {  
                "server": "",  
                "database": "NORTHWND",  
                "schema": "dbo",  
                "object": "Orders"  
        "lastRegisteredBy": {  
            "upn": "",  
            "firstName": "User1FirstName",  
            "lastName": "User1LastName"  
        "containerId": "containers/3b2c00be-...-1f15367f54e4"  
    "annotations": {  
        "schema": {  
            "roles": [  
                    "role": "Contributor",  
                    "members": [  
                            "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201"  
            "properties": {  
                "fromSourceSystem": true,  
                "columns": [  
                        "name": "OrderID",  
                        "isNullable": false,  
                        "type": "int",  
                        "maxLength": 4,  
                        "precision": 10  
                        "name": "CustomerID",  
                        "isNullable": true,  
                        "type": "nchar",  
                        "maxLength": 10,  
                        "precision": 0  
                        "name": "EmployeeID",  
                        "isNullable": true,  
                        "type": "int",  
                        "maxLength": 4,  
                        "precision": 10  
                        "name": "OrderDate",  
                        "isNullable": true,  
                        "type": "datetime",  
                        "maxLength": 8,  
                        "precision": 23  


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK. An existing asset was updated.
201 Created. The request was fulfilled and a new asset was created.
412 Precondition Failed. The request was canceled because of the ETag mismatch in at least one item.




HTTP/1.1 201 Created  
x-ms-request-id: 72cf83c0…058f2b2a0c68  

Supported Data Sources

Please refer Azure Data Catalog supported data sources for the list of currently supported data sources objects.


This example shows you how to get an Azure AD access token, and perform a Register operation.

Note This example uses the DefaultCatalog keyword to update the user's default catalog. You may alternately specify the actual catalog name. To find the Catalog name, sign into Azure Data Catalog, and choose User. You will see the Catalog name.

using System;  
using System.Net;  
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;  
using System.IO;  


//To learn how to register a client app and get a Client ID,  
// see  
static string clientIDFromAzureAppRegistration = "{clientID}";  

static void Main(string[] args)  
    //Note: This example uses the "DefaultCatalog" keyword to update the user's default catalog.  You may alternately  
    //specify the actual catalog name.  
    string catalogName = "DefaultCatalog";  

    string registerJson = Register(catalogName, OrdersJsonWithEveryoneContributor());  


static AuthenticationResult AccessToken()  
    //Get access token:  
    // To call a Data Catalog REST operation, create an instance of AuthenticationContext and call AcquireToken  
    // AuthenticationContext is part of the Active Directory Authentication Library NuGet package  
    // To install the Active Directory Authentication Library NuGet package in Visual Studio,  
    //  run "Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory" from the nuget Package Manager Console.  

    //Resource Uri for Data Catalog API  
    string resourceUri = "";  

    //To learn how to register a client app and get a Client ID, see     
    string clientId = clientIDFromAzureAppRegistration;  

    //A redirect uri gives AAD more details about the specific application that it will authenticate.  
    //Since a client app does not have an external service to redirect to, this Uri is the standard placeholder for a client app.  
    string redirectUri = "";  

    // Create an instance of AuthenticationContext to acquire an Azure access token  
    // OAuth2 authority Uri  
    string authorityUri = "";  
    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);  

    // Call AcquireToken to get an Azure token from Azure Active Directory token issuance endpoint  
    //  AcquireToken takes a Client Id that Azure AD creates when you register your client app.  
    return authContext.AcquireToken(resourceUri, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri), PromptBehavior.RefreshSession);  

static string Register(string catalogName, string json)  
    string location = string.Empty;  
    string fullUri = string.Format("{0}/views/{1}?api-version=2016-03-30", catalogName, viewType);  

    //Create a POST WebRequest as a Json content type  
    HttpWebRequest request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(fullUri) as System.Net.HttpWebRequest;  
    request.KeepAlive = true;  
    request.Method = "POST";  
        var response = SetRequestAndGetResponse(request, json);  

        //Get the Response header which contains the data asset ID  
        //The format is: tables/{data asset ID}  
        location = httpWebResponse.Headers["Location"];  
    catch (WebException ex)  
        if (ex.Response != null)  
            // can use ex.Response.Status, .StatusDescription  
            if (ex.Response.ContentLength != 0)  
                using (var stream = ex.Response.GetResponseStream())  
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))  
        location = null;  
    return location;  

static HttpWebResponse SetRequestAndGetResponse(HttpWebRequest request, string payload = null)  
    while (true)  
        //To authorize the operation call, you need an access token which is part of the Authorization header  
        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", AccessToken().CreateAuthorizationHeader());  
        //Set to false to be able to intercept redirects  
        request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;  

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload))  
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);  
            request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;  
            request.ContentType = "application/json";  
            //Write JSON byte[] into a Stream  
            request.GetRequestStream().Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);  
            request.ContentLength = 0;  

        HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;  

        // Requests to **Azure Data Catalog (ADC)** may return an HTTP 302 response to indicate  
        // redirection to a different endpoint. In response to a 302, the caller must re-issue  
        // the request to the URL specified by the Location response header.  
        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect)  
            string redirectedUrl = response.Headers["Location"];  
            HttpWebRequest nextRequest = WebRequest.Create(redirectedUrl) as HttpWebRequest;  
            nextRequest.Method = request.Method;  
            request = nextRequest;  
            return response;  

static string OrdersJsonWithEveryoneContributor()  
    return @"  
        'roles': [  
                'role': 'Contributor',  
                'members': [  
                        'objectId': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201'  
        'properties': {  
            'fromSourceSystem': 'true',  
            'name': 'Orders',  
            'dataSource': {  
                'sourceType': 'SQL Server',  
                'objectType': 'Table'  
            'dsl': {  
                'protocol': 'tds',  
                'authentication': 'windows',  
                'address': {  
                    'server': '',  
                    'database': 'NORTHWND',  
                    'schema': 'dbo',  
                    'object': 'Orders'  
            'lastRegisteredBy': {  
                'upn': '',  
                'firstName': 'User1FirstName',  
                'lastName': 'User1LastName'  
            'containerId': 'containers/a9f8a2e1-d826-7c0c-b186-c7f4334a6b4f'  
        'annotations': {  
            'schema': {  
                'roles': [  
                        'role': 'Contributor',  
                        'members': [  
                                'objectId': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201'  
                'properties': {  
                    'fromSourceSystem': 'true',  
                    'columns': [  
                            'name': 'OrderID',  
                            'isNullable': false,  
                            'type': 'int',  
                            'maxLength': 4,  
                            'precision': 10  
                            'name': 'CustomerID',  
                            'isNullable': true,  
                            'type': 'nchar',  
                            'maxLength': 10,  
                            'precision': 0  
                            'name': 'EmployeeID',  
                            'isNullable': true,  
                            'type': 'int',  
                            'maxLength': 4,  
                            'precision': 10  
                            'name': 'OrderDate',  
                            'isNullable': true,  
                            'type': 'datetime',  
                            'maxLength': 8,  
                            'precision': 23  

Get with Annotations

Gets a data asset with annotations.

It supports optional Accept header parameter adc.metadata that requests ETags to be included in the response for all the items. Use values minimal or full to get ETags in response. The valid values are none, minimal, and full.




Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
view_name Name of Data Asset View. String
view_item_id ID of a View item. String
api-version The API version. String

GET example



x-ms-client-request-id: 8091955f…8f5b4c0acede    
Authorization:  Bearer eXJ0eyAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOi...    
Accept: application/json;adc.metadata=full  


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK. The response contains requested asset view.




x-ms-request-id: 1095e88c…caffabd6dabd  
Content-Type:   application/json; charset=utf-8


    "id": "",  
    "etag": "1234567891",  
    "timestamp": "2015-05-15T03:48:39.2425547",  
    "roles": [  
            "role": "Contributor",  
            "members": [  
                    "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201"  
    "effectiveRights": [  
    "properties": {  
        "fromSourceSystem": true,  
    "name": "Orders",  
    "dataSource": {  
        "sourceType": "SQL Server",  
            "objectType": "Table"  
    "dsl": {  
        "protocol": "tds",  
        "authentication": "windows",  
        "address": {  
            "server": "",  
            "database": "NORTHWND",  
            "schema": "dbo",  
            "object": "Orders"  
    "lastRegisteredBy": {  
        "upn": "",  
        "firstName": "User1FirstName",  
        "lastName": "User1LastName"  
        "containerId": "containers/3b2c00be-...-1f15367f54e4"  
    "annotations": {  
        "schema": {  
            "id": "",  
            "etag": "1234567892",  
            "timestamp": "2015-05-15T03:48:39.2425547",  
            "roles": [  
                    "role": "Contributor",  
                    "members": [  
                            "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201"  
            "effectiveRights": [  
            "properties": {  
                "fromSourceSystem": true,  
            "columns": [  
                    "name": "OrderID",  
                    "isNullable": false,  
                    "type": "int",  
                    "maxLength": 4,  
                    "precision": 10  
                    "name": "CustomerID",  
                    "isNullable": true,  
                    "type": "nchar",  
                    "maxLength": 10,  
                    "precision": 0  
                    "name": "EmployeeID",  
                    "isNullable": true,  
                    "type": "int",  
                    "maxLength": 4,  
                    "precision": 10  
                    "name": "OrderDate",  
                    "isNullable": true,  
                    "type": "datetime",  
                    "maxLength": 8,  
                    "precision": 23  
    "experts": [  
                "id": "",  
                "etag": "1234567893",  
                "timestamp": "2015-05-15T03:48:39.2425547",  
                "roles": [  
                        "role": "Contributor",  
                        "members": [  
                                "objectId": "22c3fa01-9b39-45dc-9714-3ebc3ad74cbf"  
                "effectiveRights": [  
                "properties": {  
                    "fromSourceSystem": false,  
                    "key": "22c3fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf-1111fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf",  
                    "expert": {  
                        "upn": "",  
                        "objectId": "1111fa019b3945dc97143ebc3ad74cbf"  

Searches over data assets based on the search terms provided.




Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
api-version The API version. String

Query parameters

Name Description Data Type
searchTerms Required. Terms to search on. String
facets Optional A comma separated field names to facet the results on. String
startPage Optional Start Page of the results used for Paging along with count parameter. Allowed values are greater than 0, if a value less than or equal to 0 is passed, an HTTP error with error code 400 is returned. String
count Optional Number of results wanted in one page (Paging). The default value is 10. Allowed values are in interval from 1 to 100 inclusive. If a value out of this range is passed, an HTTP error with error code 400 is returned. To get the next portion of search results, repeat the request but increase startPage by 1. Integer
view Optional Gets the view the client wants to see, for now the only supported option in DataSource. String

GET example


x-ms-client-request-id: 546f053a…a1612f3a3d69  
Authorization:  Bearer eXJ0eyAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOi...  


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK. A successful operation with search result.




x-ms-request-id: 0ab2e798…088223257ad2  
Content-Length:  3926


"query": {  
    "id": "bd067219...4ba9a56e204b",  
    "searchTerms": "My_server",  
    "startIndex": 1,  
    "startPage": 1,  
    "count": 1,  
    "id": "bd067219...4ba9a56e204b",  
    "totalResults": 508,  
    "startIndex": 1,  
    "itemsPerPage": 1,  
    "results": [{  
    "updated": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",  
    "content": {  
          "properties": {  
            "fromSourceSystem": true,  
            "name": "MyTable",  
            "dsl": {  
              "protocol": "tds",  
              "authentication": "windows",  
              "address": {  
                "server": "My_SERVER",  
                "database": "my_DB",  
                "schema": "my_SCHEMA",  
                "object": "my_TABLE"  
            "dataSource": {  
              "sourceType": "SQL Server",  
              "objectType": "Table"  
            "lastRegisteredBy": {  
              "upn": "",  
              "firstName": "User1FirstName",  
              "lastName": "User1LastName"  
            "containerId": ""  
          "id": "",  
          "type": "Microsoft.DataSource.Table.1",  
          "timestamp": "2016-03-15T23:20:12.5423855",  
          "annotations": {  
            "schema": {  
              "properties": {  
                "fromSourceSystem": true,  
                "columns": [  
                    "name": "ID",  
                    "type": "int",  
                    "maxLength": 4,  
                    "precision": 10,  
                    "isNullable": false  
                    "name": "Column2",  
                    "type": "nchar",  
                    "maxLength": 10,  
                    "precision": 0,  
                    "isNullable": true  
              "id": "",  
              "type": "Microsoft.DataSource.Schema.1",  
              "timestamp": "2016-03-15T23:20:12.5423855",  
              "roles": [  
                  "role": "Contributor",  
                  "members": [  
                      "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201"  
              "effectiveRights": [  
          "roles": [  
              "role": "Contributor",  
              "members": [  
                  "objectId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000201"  
          "effectiveRights": [  
    "hitProperties": [{  
        "fieldPath": "properties.dsl.address.server",  
        "highlightDetail": [{  
            "highlightedWords": [{  
                "word": "My_sERVER"  
            "highlightedFragment": "My_sERVER"  
        "fieldPath": "properties.dataSource.sourceType",  
        "highlightDetail": [{  
            "highlightedWords": [{  
                "word": "Server"  
            "highlightedFragment": "SQL Server"  
        "fieldPath": "properties.dsl.address.object",  
        "highlightDetail": [{  
            "highlightedWords": [{  
                "word": "my"  
            "highlightedFragment": "my_TABLE"  
        "fieldPath": "properties.dsl.address.database",  
        "highlightDetail": [{  
            "highlightedWords": [{  
                "word": "my"  
            "highlightedFragment": "my_DB"  
        "fieldPath": "properties.dsl.address.schema",  
        "highlightDetail": [{  
            "highlightedWords": [{  
                "word": "my"  
            "highlightedFragment": "my_SCHEMA"  


This example shows you how to get an Azure AD access token, and perform a Search operation.

Note To find the Catalog name, sign into Azure Data Catalog, and choose User. You will see the Catalog name.

using System;  
using System.Net;  
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;  
using System.IO;  


//To learn how to register a client app and get a Client ID,  
// see  
static string clientIDFromAzureAppRegistration = "{clientID}";  

static void Main(string[] args)  
    //Note: This example uses the "DefaultCatalog" keyword to update the user's default catalog.  You may alternately  
    //specify the actual catalog name.  
    string catalogName = "DefaultCatalog";  

    //Search everything  
    string searchTerm = string.Empty;  

    string searchJson = Search(catalogName, searchTerm);  
    //Other examples "tags:=Sales", "upn:{username}"  


static AuthenticationResult AccessToken()  
    //Get access token:  
    // To call a Data Catalog REST operation, create an instance of AuthenticationContext and call AcquireToken  
    // AuthenticationContext is part of the Active Directory Authentication Library NuGet package  
    // To install the Active Directory Authentication Library NuGet package in Visual Studio,  
    //  run "Install-Package Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory" from the nuget Package Manager Console.  

    //Resource Uri for Data Catalog API  
    string resourceUri = "";  

    //To learn how to register a client app and get a Client ID, see    
    string clientId = clientIDFromAzureAppRegistration;  

    //A redirect uri gives AAD more details about the specific application that it will authenticate.  
    //Since a client app does not have an external service to redirect to, this Uri is the standard placeholder for a client app.  
    string redirectUri = "";  

    // Create an instance of AuthenticationContext to acquire an Azure access token  
    // OAuth2 authority Uri  
    string authorityUri = "";  
    AuthenticationContext authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUri);  

    // Call AcquireToken to get an Azure token from Azure Active Directory token issuance endpoint  
    //  AcquireToken takes a Client Id that Azure AD creates when you register your client app.  
    return authContext.AcquireToken(resourceUri, clientId, new Uri(redirectUri), PromptBehavior.RefreshSession);  

static string Search(string catalogName, string searchTerm)  
    string responseContent = string.Empty;  

    //NOTE: To find the Catalog Name, sign into Azure Data Catalog, and choose User. You will see a list of Catalog names.            
    string fullUri =  
        string.Format("{0}/search/search?searchTerms={1}&count=10&api-version=2016-03-30", catalogName, searchTerm);  

    //Create a GET WebRequest  
    HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(fullUri);  
    request.Method = "GET";  

        //Get HttpWebResponse from GET request  
        using (HttpWebResponse httpResponse = SetRequestAndGetResponse(request))  
            //Get StreamReader that holds the response stream  
            using (StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(httpResponse.GetResponseStream()))  
                responseContent = reader.ReadToEnd();  
    catch (WebException ex)  
        if (ex.Response != null)  
            // can use ex.Response.Status, .StatusDescription  
            if (ex.Response.ContentLength != 0)  
                using (var stream = ex.Response.GetResponseStream())  
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))  
        return null;  

    return responseContent;  

static HttpWebResponse SetRequestAndGetResponse(HttpWebRequest request, string payload = null)  
    while (true)  
        //To authorize the operation call, you need an access token which is part of the Authorization header  
        request.Headers.Add("Authorization", AccessToken().CreateAuthorizationHeader());  
        //Set to false to be able to intercept redirects  
        request.AllowAutoRedirect = false;  

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(payload))  
            byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);  
            request.ContentLength = byteArray.Length;  
            request.ContentType = "application/json";  
            //Write JSON byte[] into a Stream  
            request.GetRequestStream().Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);  
            request.ContentLength = 0;  

        HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse;  

        // Requests to **Azure Data Catalog (ADC)** may return an HTTP 302 response to indicate  
        // redirection to a different endpoint. In response to a 302, the caller must re-issue  
        // the request to the URL specified by the Location response header.    
        if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Redirect)  
            string redirectedUrl = response.Headers["Location"];  
            HttpWebRequest nextRequest = WebRequest.Create(redirectedUrl) as HttpWebRequest;  
            nextRequest.Method = request.Method;  
            request = nextRequest;  
            return response;  


Deletes a data asset and all annotations (if any) attached to it.

It supports optional If-Match header for optimistic concurrency control. Only weak format, such as W/"123456789", is supported.




Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
view_name Name of Data Asset View. String
view_item_id ID of a View item. String
api-version The API version. String

DELETE example



x-ms-client-request-id: 59b68a46…46dc3ec8dcb8    
Authorization:  Bearer eXJ0eyAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOi...    
If-Match: W/"123456789"  


Status codes

Code Description
204 NoContent
NOTE: Delete operation semantic is "delete if exists", so if asset or annotation does not exist success status code 204 (NoContent) is returned.
412 Precondition Failed. The request was canceled because of the ETag mismatch.




x-ms-request-id: 664f86cf…5e512fa78e92  

Update Annotation

Updates an annotation.

The items can optionally contain ETag values to enable optimistic concurrency control for them.




Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
view_name Name of Data Asset View. String
view_item_id ID of a View item. String
nested_view_name Name of a nested View. String
nested_non_singleton_view_item_id Id of a nested non-singleton View item. Must be provided for a non-singleton view. String
api-version The API version. String

PUT example for a singleton Documentation view



Content-Type:   application/json; charset=utf-8    
x-ms-client-request-id:   059692ee-...-57490fcec42c    
Authorization:  Bearer eXJ0eyAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOi...  

Body schema

        "fromSourceSystem": false,  
        "etag": "123456789",  
        "content": "<new documentation content>",  
        "mimetype": "text",  


Status codes

Code Description
200 OK. An existing annotation was updated.
412 Precondition Failed. The request was canceled because of the ETag mismatch in at least one item.




x-ms-request-id: 3b8668da…1558d0f407c0  

Delete Annotation

Deletes an annotation and all nested annotations (if any).

It supports optional If-Match header for optimistic concurrency control. Only weak format, such as W/"123456789", is supported.




Some HTTP client implementations may automatically re-issue requests in response to a 302 from the server, but typically strip Authorization headers from the request. Since the Authorization header is required to make requests to ADC, you must ensure the Authorization header is still provided when re-issuing a request to a redirect location specified by ADC. Below is sample code demonstrating this using the .NET HttpWebRequest object.

Uri parameters

Name Description Data Type
catalog_name Name of the catalog, or "DefaultCatalog" to use the default catalog. String
view_name Name of Data Asset View. String
view_item_id ID of a View item. String
nested_view_name Name of a nested View. String
nested_non_singleton_view_item_id ID of a nested non-singleton View item. Must be provided for a non-singleton View. String
api-version The API version. String

DELETE example



x-ms-client-request-id:   c8da5f08…67b203d77b2d  
Authorization:  Bearer eXJ0eyAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOi...  
If-Match: W/"123456789"  


Status codes

Code Description
204 NoContent
412 Precondition Failed. The request was canceled because of the ETag mismatch.




x-ms-request-id: 276b9dc4…e5f7017805c