
Information about a cluster upgrade.


Name Type Required
CodeVersion string No
ConfigVersion string No
UpgradeDomains array of UpgradeDomainInfo No
UpgradeUnits array of UpgradeUnitInfo No
UpgradeState string (enum) No
NextUpgradeDomain string No
RollingUpgradeMode string (enum) No
UpgradeDescription ClusterUpgradeDescriptionObject No
UpgradeDurationInMilliseconds string No
UpgradeDomainDurationInMilliseconds string No
UnhealthyEvaluations array of HealthEvaluationWrapper No
CurrentUpgradeDomainProgress CurrentUpgradeDomainProgressInfo No
CurrentUpgradeUnitsProgress CurrentUpgradeUnitsProgressInfo No
StartTimestampUtc string No
FailureTimestampUtc string No
FailureReason string (enum) No
UpgradeDomainProgressAtFailure FailedUpgradeDomainProgressObject No
IsNodeByNode boolean No


Type: string
Required: No

The ServiceFabric code version of the cluster.


Type: string
Required: No

The cluster configuration version (specified in the cluster manifest).


Type: array of UpgradeDomainInfo
Required: No

List of upgrade domains and their statuses. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.


Type: array of UpgradeUnitInfo
Required: No

List of upgrade units and their statuses.


Type: string (enum)
Required: No

The state of the upgrade domain.

Possible values are:

  • Invalid - Indicates the upgrade state is invalid. All Service Fabric enumerations have the invalid type. The value is zero.
  • RollingBackInProgress - The upgrade is rolling back to the previous version but is not complete yet. The value is 1
  • RollingBackCompleted - The upgrade has finished rolling back. The value is 2
  • RollingForwardPending - The current upgrade domain has finished upgrading. The overall upgrade is waiting for an explicit move next request in UnmonitoredManual mode or performing health checks in Monitored mode. The value is 3
  • RollingForwardInProgress - The upgrade is rolling forward to the target version but is not complete yet. The value is 4
  • RollingForwardCompleted - The upgrade has finished rolling forward. The value is 5
  • Failed - The upgrade has failed and is unable to execute FailureAction. The value is 6


Type: string
Required: No

The name of the next upgrade domain to be processed. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.


Type: string (enum)
Required: No
Default: UnmonitoredAuto

The mode used to monitor health during a rolling upgrade. The values are UnmonitoredAuto, UnmonitoredManual, Monitored, and UnmonitoredDeferred.

Possible values are:

  • Invalid - Indicates the upgrade mode is invalid. All Service Fabric enumerations have the invalid type. The value is zero.
  • UnmonitoredAuto - The upgrade will proceed automatically without performing any health monitoring. The value is 1
  • UnmonitoredManual - The upgrade will stop after completing each upgrade domain, giving the opportunity to manually monitor health before proceeding. The value is 2
  • Monitored - The upgrade will stop after completing each upgrade domain and automatically monitor health before proceeding. The value is 3
  • UnmonitoredDeferred - Perform a node-by-node upgrade. No action is performed when upgrade starts; upgrade is applied on each node when it is deactivated with intent restart or higher. The value is 4


Type: ClusterUpgradeDescriptionObject
Required: No

Represents a ServiceFabric cluster upgrade


Type: string
Required: No

The estimated elapsed time spent processing the current overall upgrade.


Type: string
Required: No

The estimated elapsed time spent processing the current upgrade domain. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.


Type: array of HealthEvaluationWrapper
Required: No

List of health evaluations that resulted in the current aggregated health state.


Type: CurrentUpgradeDomainProgressInfo
Required: No

Information about the current in-progress upgrade domain. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.


Type: CurrentUpgradeUnitsProgressInfo
Required: No

Information about the current in-progress upgrade units.


Type: string
Required: No

The start time of the upgrade in UTC.


Type: string
Required: No

The failure time of the upgrade in UTC.


Type: string (enum)
Required: No

The cause of an upgrade failure that resulted in FailureAction being executed.

Possible values are:

  • None - Indicates the reason is invalid or unknown. All Service Fabric enumerations have the invalid type. The value is zero.
  • Interrupted - There was an external request to roll back the upgrade. The value is 1
  • HealthCheck - The upgrade failed due to health policy violations. The value is 2
  • UpgradeDomainTimeout - An upgrade domain took longer than the allowed upgrade domain timeout to process. The value is 3
  • OverallUpgradeTimeout - The overall upgrade took longer than the allowed upgrade timeout to process. The value is 4


Type: FailedUpgradeDomainProgressObject
Required: No

The detailed upgrade progress for nodes in the current upgrade domain at the point of failure. Not applicable to node-by-node upgrades.


Type: boolean
Required: No
Default: false

Indicates whether this upgrade is node-by-node.