Reports and codes for cloud migrations

Migration Manager generates a series of logs and reports for scan/migration tasks in cloud migration scenarios such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, and Egnyte.

A scan/migration task presents as a row in the Migration Manager scan/migration list. Normally, a task equals:

  • Google Drive: Personal or Shared Drive
  • Dropbox: Member or Team folder
  • Box: User, Admin, or Co-admin
  • Egnyte: Private or Shared folder


There are 4 types of reports to help manage, audit, and troubleshoot your migration process.


These reports are for cloud migrations only. For file share migrations, learn more at: Reports and errors for file share migrations.

These reports expire in 90 days. Microsoft doesn't retain the log files.


Your reports may reference a status or failure code to provide specific details as to the nature of the issue.

  • Status codes: Provide the final status of the scan and migration tasks. Status codes can be located in scan/migration summary reports.How to download reports.

  • Failure codes: Represent file-level errors during both the scan and migration process. Failure codes can be located in ResultCode column of scan/migration detailed reports.

How to download reports

Detailed and summary reports of your scan and migration tasks can be downloaded individually or in bulk.

There are limits on the number of tasks can be selected for bulk download for each report type:

Report type Number of tasks allowed per download
Scan summary report 5,000
Scan detailed report 500
Migration summary report 5,000
Migration detailed report 500


For each report type, only one can be processed at a time. For example, there can’t be two scan summary reports running simultaneously.

The option to download all summary reports when no drives are selected is disabled. To download multiple summary reports efficiently, use the multi-select or select-all function on tasks.

Download Scan reports

  1. On the Scan tab, select one or more rows listed in the table. Each row in the table represents a scan task.

  2. From the action bar, select Download reports. Then select either Detailed or Summary depending on the type of report you need.

    Dropdown menu for downloading either detailed or summary reports

  3. You can access reports that you have requested by selecting Recent actions icon from the menu bar at the top right of the screen. Reports generated can be accessed for up to 7 days.

Download Migration reports

  1. On the Migration tab, select one or more rows from the list of migration tasks. Each row in the table represents a migration task.
  2. From the action bar, select Download reports. Then select either Detailed or Summary depending on the type of report you need.
  3. You can access reports that you have requested by selecting Recent actions icon from the menu bar at the top right of the screen. Reports generated can be accessed for up to 7 days.

Scan reports

The following reports are downloaded from the Scans tab in Migration Manager.

Scan detailed report

Scan detailed report consists of one csv file:

File name Description
TransactionItem.csv. This file contains the details of the last scan for all items.

Scan TransactionItem.csv

The TransactionItem.csv report details the last scan for all items. Each row in the .csv file represents an item of the selected task.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
TransactionId Whenever a task is run, it becomes a transaction. The transaction ID is used for debugging.
Name Display name of the source account.
SourcePath Source path of the selected source account.
OperationStep Operation step of the item.
Status Final scan status of the item. “Skipped” indicates the scan has completed, and the item is ready to be migrated.
ResultCode Failure code of the item. A value of "None" will show in this column when the item status is "Success". For a listing of all result codes, see Failure codes.
FailureReason Description of the failed item. This column is blank if the item status has a value of "Success". For a listing of all result codes, see Failure codes.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
SourcePathDepth Path depth of the item in the source.
SourceBasename Base name of the item in the source. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
SourceExtension File extension of the item in the source. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
SourceType Type of folder in the source.
SourceSize Data size of the item in the source.
SourceAclsTotal The number of users and groups with whom the item is shared.
SourceAclsUnique The number of users and groups with whom the item is shared and that is different from its parent.
DestinationPath Full path of the item in the destination.
DestinationPathDepth Path depth of the item in the destination.
DestinationBasename Base name of the item in the destination. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
DestinationExtension File extension of the item in the destination. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
DestinationLocation The web URI of the item in destination.
DestinationType File or folder in the destination.
DestinationSize Data size of the item in the destination.

Scan summary report

The scan summary report consists of 5 .CSV files:

File name Description
FileExtension.csv Provides the statistics of extension types existing in each task.
LargeFileSize.csv Lists all items larger than 15 GB that can't be migrated.
LongPath.csv Lists all items with path lengths larger than 300 characters and that can't be migrated.
ProjectError.csv Lists all item level errors that occurred during the scan process of all tasks.
ScanSummary.csv Task level summary of all scan tasks. You can find the scan results based on the scan status code listed.


The FileExtension.csv report details the extension types in each task.

Column  Description  
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging. 
Name Display name of the selected task in the source. 
SourcePath Source path of the selected task. 
FullPath Full path of the item in the source. 
SourceExtension Extension type exists in the task. 
TotalSize Total data size of the extension type in the task. 


The LargeFileSize.csv report details all items larger than 15 GB that can't be migrated.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
SourceSize Data size in Byte of the item in the source.
SourceSizeInGB Data size in GB of the item in the source.


The LongPath.csv report details all items with path lengths larger than 300 and that can't be migrated.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
SourcePathLength Path length of the item in the source.

Scan ProjectError.csv

The ProjectError.csv report details all item level scan errors that have occurred.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
Action Operation step of the item that goes wrong during the scan process.
ResultCode Failure code of the item. It shows "null" when item status is "Success". To learn more, see Failure codes.
FailureReason Primary reason for the task failing the scan.


The ScanSummary.csv report is a task level summary of all scan tasks.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
StartTime Start time of the latest scan, expressed in UTC.
EndTime End time of the latest scan, expressed in UTC.
TransactionId Every time when task is run, it's a transaction. Transaction ID is used for debugging.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
Tags Predefined tags of the task.
FoldersReadyToBeMigrated Number of folders that are ready to be migrated.
FilesReadyToBeMigrated Number of files that are ready to be migrated.
DataReadyToBeMigrated Data size in Byte that is ready to be migrated.
UniquePermissions Number of users and groups with whom the item is shared and that is different from its parent.
MaximumPathLength The max path length among all the items in the source.
FoldersScanned Number of folders scanned in the source.
FilesScanned Number of files scanned in the source.
DataScanned Data size in Byte that scanned in the source.
ScanStatusCode Scan status code of the scanned task. To learn more, see Status codes.
MostRecentScan The most recent scan time in UTC of the task.

Migration reports

Migration detailed report

Migration detailed report consists of 1 csv file:

File name Description
TransactionItem.csv Lists the final migration status of all items of the selected task.

Migration TransactionItem.csv

The TransactionItem.csv report details the final migration status for all items of the selected task. Each row in the .csv file represents an item of the selected task.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
TransactionId Every time when task is run, it becomes a transaction. Transaction ID is used for debugging.
Name Display name of the source account.
SourcePath Source path of the selected source account.
OperationStep Operation step of the item.
Status Final migration status of the item.
ResultCode Failure code of the item. It shows "none" when item status is "Success". To learn more, see Failure codes.
FailureReason Failure description of the failed item. If the item status value is "Success", this column is left blank. To learn more, see Failure codes.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
SourcePathDepth Path depth of the item in the source.
SourceBasename Base name of the item in the source. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
SourceExtension File extension of the item in the source. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
SourceType Type of folder in the source.
SourceSize Data size of the item in the source.
SourceAclsTotal The number of users and groups with whom the item is shared.
SourceAclsUnique The number of users and groups with whom the item is shared and that is different from its parent.
DestinationPath Full path of the item in the destination.
DestinationPathDepth Path depth of the item in the destination.
DestinationBasename Base name of the item in the destination. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
DestinationExtension File extension of the item in the destination. If the item is a root folder, this column is blank.
DestinationLocation The web URI of the item in destination.
DestinationType File or folder in the destination.
DestinationSize Data size of the item in the destination.

Migration summary report

Migration detailed report consists of two .CSV files:

File name Description
ProjectError.csv Lists all item level errors that ever occurred during the migration process of all tasks.
Migration summary.csv Task level summary of all migration tasks.

Migration ProjectError.csv

The Projecterror.csv report details all item level errors that ever occurred during the migration process of all tasks.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
FullPath Full path of the item in the source.
Action Operation step of the item that goes wrong during the migration process.
ResultCode Failure code of the item. It shows "null" when item status is "Success". To learn more, see Failure codes.
FailureReason Failure description of the failed item. If the item status is "Success", this column is blank.To learn more, see Failure codes.

Migration Summary.csv

The Migration Summary.csv report is a task level summary of all migration tasks.

Column Description
TaskId ID of the selected task, used for debugging.
TransactionId Every time when task is run, it's a transaction. Transaction ID is used for debugging.
StartTime Start time of the latest migration, expressed in UTC.
EndTime End time of the latest migration, expressed in UTC.
Name Display name of the selected task in the source.
SourcePath Source path of the selected task.
Tags Predefined tags of the task.
StatusCode Status code of the migration task. To learn more, see Status codes.
FoldersCreated Folder created in the destination for the migration.
FilesTotalCopied To date, the total files that have been migrated to the destination from all migrations ever initiated.
FilesLatestCopied Files that migrated to the destination in the latest migration.
FilesAlreadyCopied Files already migrated to the destination from previous migrations or already exist in the destination.
FilesFiltered Files not migrated due to migration filter setting.
FilesFailed Files that failed in the migrating process.
DataTotalCopied Total data size (in bytes) that has been migrated to the destination from all migrations ever initiated.
DataLatestCopied Data size (in bytes) migrated to the destination in the latest migration.
DataAlreadyCopied Data size (in bytes) already migrated to the destination from previous migrations or already exists in the destination.
DataFiltered Data size (in bytes) not migrated due to migration filter setting.
DataFailed Data size (in bytes) that failed in the migrating process.
FilePermissions File-level permission migration is set to be on or off. The default setting is Off.

Status codes

Status codes provide the final status of the scan and migration tasks. Status codes can be located in scan/migration summary reports.

Status Code Scan/Migration Task Status Message
100 Ready to migrate/Copied to migrate/Completed Success
101 Ready to migrate/Copied to migrate/Completed Success. No files needed copying
102 Ready to migrate/Copied to migrate/Completed Success. Some files aren't supported by Destination name and weren't transferred.
120 Ready to migrate/Copied to migrate/Completed Success. Some files aren't supported by Source name and weren't transferred.
122 Ready to migrate/Copied to migrate/Completed Success. Some unsupported files existed and weren't transferred.
201 Warning Some upload errors. Download and look up the detailed report before trying again.
202 Warning No files copied. Some upload errors. Download and look up the detailed report before trying again.
210 Warning Some download errors. Download and look up the detailed report before trying again.
220 Warning No files copied. Some download errors. Download and look up the detailed report before trying again.
211 Warning Some download and upload errors. Download and look up the detailed report before trying again.
222 Warning No files copied. Some download and upload errors. Download and look up the detailed report before trying again.
230 Canceled Canceled
250 Failed Already running. Wait a while and try again.
260 Failed Storage Quota Exceeded on Destination name
261 Failed Quota API Exceeded on Destination name
300 In progress Running
302 In progress Waiting for Microsoft batch processing
303 In progress Waiting for Forms migration
400 Failed General failure. Try again.
401 Failed Couldn't upload anything. Try again.
402 Failed Connector authorization failed. Try reauthorizing Source name or Destination name
403 Failed No status. Try again.
404 Failed Crashed. Try again.
405 Failed Crashed. Try again.
410 Failed Couldn't connect to Source name. Try reauthorizing.
423 Failed Source connector not found. Try again.
490 Failed Ended by company name Admin. Try again.
491 Failed Microsoft migration reporting communication failure. Try again.
500 Failed Unknown, contact support
600 Queued Queued to start.
601 Queued Queued to start.
620 In progress Running pre-checks

Failure codes

Failure codes represent file-level errors during both the scan and migration process. Failure codes can be located in ResultCode column of scan/migration detailed reports.

Failure code Description User action
MACCESSDENIED User denied access. Check permissions and Try again...
MACCESSTOKENNULL Failed to execute request as connector authorization failed. Unexpected error. Try again.
MAUTHACCESSTOKEN Connector authorization failure. Failed to get access token. Unexpected error. Try again.
MAUTHACCESSTOKENINVALID Connector authorization failure. The API request failed because the access token is invalid or expired. Retry.
MAUTHCALLERNOTAUTHENTICATED Connector authorization failed. The service isn't allowing to connect as it doesn't recognize the caller. Try again.
MAUTHMOVERAPP Microsoft 365 migration app needs to be authorized in source account. Sign in to the source account and grant permission to the Microsoft 365 migration app. Try again.
MAUTHNOCODE Connector authorization failed as auth code isn't provided. Try again.
MAUTHNOEMAIL Connector authorization failure. Failed to get email from claim. Unexpected error. Try again.
MAUTHNOIDTOKEN Connector authorization failure. Failed to get ID token from access token. Unexpected error. Try again.
MAUTHNOTENANT Connector authorization failed; no tenant/enterprise ID found. Tenant = Enterprise. Tenant is the term in MS/Azure and Enterprise is used by Box and others. Try again.
MAUTHREFRESHTOKEN Connector authorization failure. Failed to get refresh token. Try again.
MAUTHUSERNOTADMIN Connector authorization failed; user doesn't have admin role. Check permissions and Try again...
MAZUREUPLOAD Failed to submit the migration job to Migration API after the files were uploaded to the Azure blob. Try again.
MBADREQUEST Bad request when operating on source or destination item. Unexpected error. Try again.
MCONNECTORNOTFOUND Connector not found in database. Check connector settings. Try again.
MCORRELATE Collection correlates missing source listing. Confirm source location, Try again...
MDESTINATIONNOTWRITABLE You don't have write access to the destination. Check permissions and Try again...
MDUPLICATE Duplicate. This file already exists in your destination location. Confirm file is in destination already.
MEMPTYMETADATA Unable to find metadata. Try again.
MEXPORTFILERESTRICTED This file is restricted, and can’t be migrated from the source. Check to see if this file has legal restrictions such as copyright claims.
MEXPORTFILEUNSUPPORTED Unsupported file type. You can't migrate this file from the source.
MEXPORTFILEUNSUPPORTEDMIMETYPE Unsupported file type. You can't migrate this file from the source. Check file at source.
MFAILEDGETROOTITEM Failed to get root folder listing. This is set in both Google and Office 365 connector. Try again.
MFILEIMPORT This file type isn't supported in the destination location. Check source file.
MFILELOCKED "File is locked, and can't download or get metadata. Unlock file. Try again.
MFILENAMELENGTH Filename exceeds maximum allowable length. Rename file and Try again...
MFILESIZEINCORRECT Downloaded file is smaller than expected. Check file for size and compare. Try again.
MGETFOLDERACLS Failure to get shared folder membership. Check folder permissions and Try again...
MHTTPCONNECTION Connection failure. Check your network and Try again...
MINVALIDEMAIL Invalid user email; unable to find user with that email. Check user name and Try again...
MINVALIDPAGESIZE The page size for connector pagination must be greater than zero. Try again.
MINVALIDPARENTID Item has no parent ID. Id-based connectors require the item to have a parent ID. Check file and Try again...
MINVALIDPATH Path is invalid. Check path and Try again...
MINVALIDRESPONSE Invalid response from API call. Try again.
MITEMPATHLENGTH Item path exceeds length restrictions. Check file path for length and Try again...
MLARGEFILESIZEEXPORT File exceeds maximum size for export from the source. Check file size.
MLARGEFILESIZEIMPORT File exceeds maximum allowed size for import into destination. Check file size.
MLISTGROUP API request to list groups for connector failed. This request may be caused by an invalid or throttling. Try again.
MLISTING Folder listing failed. Try again.
MLISTUSER Failure to get user listing. This may be caused by an invalid requestor throttling. Try again.
MLOCKACQ Failed to acquire lock within timeout period and obtain new access token. Try again.
MNONDESTRUCTIVEOPTIONENABLED Unable to delete file or folder. Try again.
MNOPARENT Item doesn't have a parent item. Check file and Try again...
MNOTAFILE The path refers to something that isn't a file. Check the path and correct as necessary. Try again.
MNOTAFOLDER The path refers to something that isn't a folder. Check the path and correct as necessary. Try again.
MNOTFOUND Item not found. Check file and Try again...
MNOTIMPLEMENTED Method not implemented for connector. Try again.
MNOTPERMITTED Can't traverse to the folder level; can't perform actions outside a users folder. Check permissions and Try again...
MNOTUSERORTEAMDRIVE Confirm that the name of the item in the source service matches what you have in the task's source path. Google Suite allows invisible characters to be added to item names. We advise that your rename the item in the source service to ensure there's no invisible characters and then use that same name in the task source path.
MOWNERNOTFOUND The original owner was removed or its information wasn't found. Reassign ownership of the file.
MPATHMALFORMED Invalid path format. Check your source and Try again...
MSERVICENOTAVAILABLE Service unavailable. Try again.
MSETITEMPERMISSION Failed to set permission. Failure may be caused by throttling. Try again.
MSOURCENOTREADABLE Unable to read the source directory. Confirm source location. Try again.
MSTORAGEQUOTAREACHED Storage quota exceeded for connector. Increase storage limit and Try again...
MTHROTTLE API requests made by connector are getting throttled. Try again.
MUNVERIFIEDPARENT Item doesn't have a verified parent item. Check file and Try again...
MUPDATEITEMPERMISSION Failed to remove permissions. Try again.
MUSERCOUNT Unexpected failure to get user count. Try again.
MUSERFORBIDDEN The current user doesn't have permission to access the file or folder. Check permissions and Try again...
MUSERINFONOTFOUND User account info not found. Check user info and Try again...
MUSERNOTFOUND User isn't found; either it's disabled or deleted. Check user and correct as necessary. Try again.
MUSERQUOTAREACHED User quota limit reached. Learn more: Microsoft Graph error responses and resource types
MZEROBYTEFILESIZEIMPORT You can't import a 0-byte file to a connector. Check file and try again
PFAIL Failed to set permission Check permissions and Try again...
PFAILUNSUP Unsupported file permissions not set. Check permissions and try again
PSUCCESS Set permission successfully
PUNSUP Unable to set permissions. Check permission settings and try again.
MJOBNOTCOMPLETED Migration job (upload package) isn't submitted or hasn't finished uploading yet. Try again.
MJOBERROR Item level failure when processing the migration job (upload package). Check file name and content. Try again.
MJOBFATALERROR Failed to process the migration job (upload package). All items in the package will be marked as failure. Try again.
MNOTSUPPORTED Forms migration under Google shared drives is not supported.
MEMPTYUSERMAPPPING User identity mapping is empty Update mapping and try again.
MEXCEEDFORMSQUOTA Failed to create new forms, due to the maximum number of forms reached. Reduce the number of forms to migrate, and try again.
MNOUSERINFO Failed to get Microsoft user info
MGENERALEXCEPTION An error occurred when migrating forms from Google. Try again.
MQUICKXOR Integrity check failed for the large file. Please try again. If the issue persists, submit a support ticket.