sys.sp_help_change_feed_table_groups (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server 2022 (16.x) Azure SQL Database Microsoft Fabric

Returns metadata that is used to configure change feed table groups.

This system stored procedure is used for:

Column name Data type Description
table_group_id uniqueidentifier Unique identifier of the change feed table group.
table_group_name nvarchar(140) The name of the table group.
destination_location nvarchar(512) URL string of the landing zone folder.
destination_credential sysname The credential name to access the landing zone.
workspace_id nvarchar(247) The related workspace Azure resource ID.
synapse_workgroup_name nvarchar(50) The related workspace name.
enabled bit Tracks if the table group is enabled for change feed. 1 - Yes, 0 - No.
destination_type int 0 = Azure Synapse Link. 2 = Fabric mirroring.


A user with CONTROL database permissions, db_owner database role membership, or sysadmin server role membership can execute this procedure.

For Microsoft Fabric mirrored databases:

For Azure Synapse Link: