ConfigurationSetting property - DatabaseLogonType

Read-only. Specifies whether the report server uses:

  • A Microsoft Windows service account
  • A Windows user account
  • A SQL Server sign in to access the report server database.


Public Dim DatabaseLogonType As Integer  
public int DatabaseLogonType;  

Property values

An integer object that represents the sign in type.

Example code

MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting class


Values are:

  • 0 for Windows sign in

  • 1 for SQL Server sign in

  • 2 to sign in as a service

If you specify 0 (Windows), you must set the value in the DatabaseLogonAccount property to a corresponding a valid Windows user account.

If you specify 1 (SQL Server), make sure the value of the DatabaseLogonAccount corresponds to a valid SQL Server sign in.

If you specify 2 (Windows service), the report server uses an ASP.NET account and the Windows service account to access the report server database. The DatabaseLogonAccount property is ignored.


Namespace: root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v13\Admin