AI for startups learning collections

This is an overview of the AI for startups learning collections, a curated list of resources that help users learn how to use AI technologies in the context of startups. The learning path is divided into beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

Beginner level

The beginner level is for users who are brand new to AI tools, brand new to startups, or both. The resources in this section help users get familiar with the major types of AI tools and understand how they're commonly used in startups.

Intermediate level

The intermediate level is for users who have some experience with AI tools. This section introduces users to a broader set of AI features, including some more complex customization tools. It also includes the Responsible AI Collection, which covers how to build AI technology responsibly and comply with Microsoft's AI principles.

Advanced level

The advanced level is for users who have experience using AI tools to solve real-world problems. It covers Azure Machine Learning, which allows users to create their own AI models with more flexibility than out-of-box models. It also includes advanced tools for building AI-powered architectures, like Prompt flow and Semantic Kernel. For users who have a working prototype, it offers guidance on how to secure, deploy, and maintain AI applications.