Known issues and limits


Approvals timestamps are always shown in UTC. As shown in the following screenshots, the completion date is added to a Compose action to display the date format. When the flow runs, the date is in UTC format.

Screenshot of the completion date added to a Compose action.


You can always use the Date and time expressions to change the UTC format to the one that you prefer.

Screenshot of the Date and time expressions to change the UTC format.

Approval wait time duration

The approval wait time duration is dependent on the duration of the entire flow. Run duration is calculated by using a run's start time. This calculation includes flows with pending steps like approvals. After 30 days, any pending steps will time out. This timeout encompasses the entire flow, meaning if you have other actions, such as other approvals, anything pending at the 30-day mark times out. So if you have an approval process that goes through multiple levels, you might consider breaking out the approval into parent-child flows. That gives each approver 30 days to respond. The Summary unit at the end of this module provides links for more information on duration.