Exercise - Clone a repo


To practice the work of Alice cloning a repo and making a pull request, we must first set up a repo for Alice to clone.


Git is already installed for us in Azure Cloud Shell, so we can use Git in Cloud Shell to the right.

  1. At the top right of the Cloud Shell window select the More icon (...), then select Settings > Go to Classic version.

  2. Use the mkdir command to create a folder named Cats:

    mkdir Cats
  3. Use the cd command to change to the project folder:

    cd Cats
  4. Now, initialize the new repository and set the name of the default branch to main.

    If you're running Git version 2.28.0 or later, use the following commands:

    git init --initial-branch=main
    git init -b main

    For earlier versions of Git, use these commands:

    git init
    git checkout -b main
  5. Configure Git by adding your credentials. Replace <USER_NAME> and <USER_EMAIL> with your own information (for example, "User Name" and "user-name@contoso.com").

    git config user.name "<USER_NAME>"
    git config user.email "<USER_EMAIL>"
  6. Create some files by using the touch command, and then stage and commit the files by using Git:

    touch index.html
    mkdir CSS
    touch CSS/site.css
    git add .
    git commit -m "Create empty index.html, site.css files"
  7. Add some HTML to your index.html file by using the Cloud Shell code editor, which you can open by using the code command at the terminal prompt:

    code index.html
  8. Paste in this HTML code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset='UTF-8'>
        <title>Our Feline Friends</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/site.css">
        <h1>Our Feline Friends</h1>
        <p>Eventually we will put cat pictures here.</p>
  9. Save the file and close the editor. You can select the ellipsis (...) in the right corner of the editor, or use the accelerator key (Ctrl+S on Windows and Linux, Cmd+S on macOS).

  10. Change to the CSS directory and open site.css in the editor:

    cd CSS
    code site.css
  11. Add the following CSS to site.css:

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-family: sans-serif; }
    body { font-family: serif; }

    Then, save the file and close the editor.

  12. Go back to the Cats directory.

    cd ..
  13. Finally, commit your changes again:

    git add .
    git commit -m "Add simple HTML and stylesheet"
  14. Quickly check your Git log to make sure everything looks good:

    git log --oneline
  15. Check the output. You should see output like this example:

    2bf69ab Add simple HTML and stylesheet
    bb371c8 Create empty index.html, site.css files

Clone a repository

Now, let's assume the role of Alice and practice cloning a repository to collaborate on.

To simulate Alice cloning your repo onto their computer, you'll create a directory named Alice on your computer and clone your project directory into it. In real life, you would accomplish this collaboration by setting up a network share or a remote that's reachable by URL.

  1. Create a directory named Alice to clone the repo into. It must not be a subdirectory of your project directory (Cats), so cd up again to the parent directory from your project directory to make Alice a sibling of the project directory. Then, cd into the Alice directory.

    cd ..
    mkdir Alice
    cd Alice
  2. Now, use git clone to clone the repo that's in your project directory into the Alice directory. Be sure to include the period at the end of the command:

    git clone ../Cats .

    ../Cats tells Git where to clone from and . tells Git where to clone to. In Unix, . refers to your current directory.

  3. Check the output. Git should display this text to let you know that it worked:

    Cloning into '.'...

A clone of the repo that's in your project directory is now in your Alice directory!