Exercise - Create trade agreements
Create a customer trade agreement
Create a trade agreement named Sales price adjustment.
- Go to Sales and marketing > Prices and discounts > Trade agreement journals.
- Select New.
- In the Name field, enter Sales price adjustment.
- Select the Lines button to open the journal.
- In the Relation field, select Price (sales).
- In the Party code type field, select Group.
- In the Account selection field, select Retail accounts.
- In the Product code type field, select Table.
- In the Item Relation field, select A0001, HDMI 6' Cables.
- In the From field, enter 1.
- In the Amount in currency field, enter 20.00.
- Change to the Details tab.
- In the From date field, select September 15, 2019.
- In the Lead time field, enter 2.
- Select Validate > Validate all lines.
- After successful validation, post the journal.
- Select OK
- Close all pages.
Create a vendor trade agreement
- Go to Procurement and sourcing > Prices and discounts > Trade agreement journals.
- Select New.
- In the Name field, select Sales price adjustment.
- Select the Lines button to open the journal.
- In the Relation field, select Price (purch.).
- In the Party code type field, select Group.
- In the Account selection field, select Domestic vendors.
- In the Product code type field, select Table.
- In the Item relation field, select A0001, HDMI 6' Cables.
- In the Site field, select 1.
- In the Warehouse field, enter 13.
- In the From field, enter 1.
- In the Amount in currency field, enter 8.26.
- Change to the Details tab.
- In the From date field, select September 15, 2019.
- Select Validate > Validate all lines.
- Select OK
- Post the journal.
- Select OK
- Close all pages.
Set up supplementary items
Many organizations have supplementary items that are included (either at a cost or for free) when certain items are sold. Example: A computer comes with a cable, included free of charge.
- Go to Production information management > Products > Released products.
- Select item 1000 (Surface Pro 128 GB).
- Change to the Sell tab.
- Select Supplementary sales items.
- Select New.
- In the Account code field, select All.
- In the Supplementary item field, select A0001 (HDMI 6' cables).
- Select Save.
- Close the page.