Summary and resources


In this module, you learned Azure Virtual Network peering lets you connect virtual networks in a hub and spoke topology. You learned how to configure your virtual networks with Azure VPN Gateway for transit connectivity. You explored how to extend peering with user-defined routes and service chaining.

The main takeaways from this module are:

  • Azure Virtual Network peering allows for the connection of virtual networks in a hub and spoke topology.

  • There are two types of peering: regional and global. Regional peering connects virtual networks in the same region. Global peering connects virtual networks in different regions.

  • Network traffic between peered virtual networks is private and kept on the Azure backbone network.

  • You can configure Azure VPN Gateway in the peered virtual network as a transit point to access resources in another network.

  • Network security groups can be applied to block or allow access between virtual networks when configuring virtual network peering.

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