Exercise - Enable diagnostic logs and monitor remote sessions


In this unit, you'll learn how to monitor current sessions and force a disconnect.

Generate session data

Connect to your virtual machine (VM) in two different browser windows to create two Azure Bastion sessions.

  1. In the Azure portal, select or search for Virtual machines.
  2. Select the virtual machine internalappvm.
  3. Under Operations, select Bastion.
  4. Enter the username azureuser.
  5. Select SSH Private Key from local file.
  6. For Local file, select the internalappvm_key.ppe file that you downloaded when you created the VM.
  7. Select Connect.
  8. Open another browser window and follow these steps again to create a second VM session.

Monitor and disconnect a remote session

View the current Azure Bastion sessions and force a disconnect for one of the remote sessions.

  1. In the Azure portal, search for or select Bastions.

  2. Select the Azure Bastion host that you created, internalappvmVNET-bastion.

  3. Select Sessions.

    Screenshot of the Azure Bastion sessions page with two sessions listed.

  4. Review the listed session.

  5. Scroll to the far right to see the ellipsis (...).

    Screenshot of the Azure Bastion sessions page with the ellipsis on the far right for each session.

  6. On the first session, select the ellipsis (...) > Delete.

  7. Go to the browser window for your first session. You'll find that it's disconnected and won't allow you to reconnect.