Exercise: Add a new tile


You created a dashboard directly from a query in the Azure Data Explorer web UI. In this unit, you add a new tile to an existing dashboard.

Add a new tile

Now, let's add another tile to this dashboard. First, you need to switch from viewing mode to editing mode.

  1. Select Viewing and toggle the mode to Editing.

    Screenshot of switching to editing mode.

  2. Select +Add > Add tile.

    Screenshot to add tile to dashboard.

  3. Copy the following query into the query editor:

    | summarize event = count() by State
    | sort by event
  4. Run the query by selecting the Run button or by pressing Shift+Enter.

  5. Select + Add visual.

    Screenshot of results of query and adding visual to dashboard.

  6. The Visual formatting pane opens. Select Visual type > Bar chart and change the Tile name to Event count by state.

    Screenshot of visual formatting options.

  7. Select Apply changes to create a new tile and view the updated dashboard.

    Screenshot of dashboard with two tiles.

  8. Save the entire dashboard by selecting the Save icon in the upper right corner.

Congratulations! You created a dashboard of insights.