Exercise: Create a cross-filter


In the previous unit, you created dashboard parameters to filter dashboard tiles. In this unit, you create cross-filters to use as dashboard parameters.

Define cross-filters

  1. Select Viewing and toggle the mode to Editing.

    Screenshot of toggling to editing mode.

  2. Select the edit icon on the visual where you want to add cross-filters. In this example, edit the tile for Event count by state.

  3. In the right pane, select Interactions.

  4. Fill out the fields as follows:

    Screenshot of cross-filter fields to fill in.

    Field Description Suggested entry
    Cross-filter Enables the cross-filter. Toggle to On
    Interaction Indicates whether you point or drag to select the parameter value. Point
    Column The column from this visual that is used to provide the parameter value. State
    Parameter The name of the predefined parameter that is selected using the cross-filter. State
  5. Select Apply changes

  6. Save the dashboard using the Save icon.

Use a cross-filter

  1. To use the cross-filter, go to the Event count by state tile, and select the bar for the state you want to select. For example, see if you can select MINNESOTA.

  2. Now look at the changes to the Events by date visual. Do you notice how the visual only shows data for the state of Minnesota? Your dashboard should look like the following image:

    Screenshot of cross-filter in use.