Plan scheduled kanbans
Master planning creates scheduled kanbans automatically for planned kanban orders. This approach allows the system to ensure that the requirements within the firm horizon are met.
Scheduled kanbans can also be manually created. The behavior of scheduled kanbans in Master planning is similar to the behavior of production orders. You can create kanbans by firming planned kanbans manually or by using a firming fence. The scheduled replenishment strategy is used for items or variants that are produced in a lean work cell, but demand is created from forecast, customer, or dependent demand, without being explicitly built to order.
The Master planning engine of Supply Chain Management creates issue transactions from customer demand, forecast, and production demand, which are pegged against existing receipt transactions (supply) from planned or firmed production orders, transfer orders, and the new kanban transaction types.
For all uncovered demand, new planned orders are created by using parameters such as minimum and maximum order size or the coverage code that allows grouping of issues by period.
The planned kanban orders that result from Master planning follow the same concept as the other planned order types, but after they have been firmed, result in a kanban.
The coverage group that is set up against the item can be set with a firming fence so that the firming of the planned order does not have to be performed within that time frame.
Scheduled kanban planned order quantities
Planned orders of type Kanban accumulate issues before being firmed into scheduled kanbans, depending on the coverage settings for the item. The quantities that are created in the planned kanbans are controlled through the Inventory quantities default order setting. For scheduled Kanbans, the minimum and maximum inventory settings in the default order settings are important instruments in controlling the sizing of planned orders.
However, on creation of the scheduled kanban, the default quantity, minimum quantity, and maximum quantity on the kanban rule is used. Scheduled kanbans are created as needed, by using the default quantity, to completely cover the requirements. When you are using automatic planning, the number of automatically scheduled kanban jobs can be limited by the Maximum planned jobs field.
If no default quantity is configured on the kanban rule, the quantity of a scheduled kanban is determined from the requested quantity of the following summarized issues:
If the issue quantity is less than the Minimum quantity, the minimum quantity is used.
If the issue quantity is greater than or equal to the Minimum quantity, and less than or equal to the Maximum quantity, the issue quantity is used as the product quantity of the kanban.
If the issue quantity is greater than the Maximum quantity, the issue quantity is split into multiple kanbans of the maximum quantity. The last issue with the remaining quantity is created with at least the Minimum quantity.
Setting a Minimum quantity for this case might lead to unintended overproduction. For example, if a minimum product quantity is set to 20 and the maximum to 30, with an issue quantity of 40, then two kanbans are created.
This action creates one kanban for 30 pieces and one kanban for 20 pieces, leading to overproduction of 10 pieces. However, this approach is useful when you are delivering full boxes. If the coverage code is set to Period, it reduces the likelihood of this scenario occurring because the requirements are grouped together.
All planned kanbans can be canceled and changed just as any other planned order, providing that it is outside the firming or freezing time fences or the planned kanbans have not been approved.
If an action message has been disabled, then no action will be generated, similar to any other planned item. Actions only apply for items with inventory transactions; therefore, no action messages exist for non-inventoried items.
If an item can be supplied by an event rule with a kanban creation method of Batch and a scheduled kanban rule, the event processing for the item must be finished before Master planning can be progressed for that item. This approach creates a dependency between the event batch processing and Master planning. The user should make sure that the pegging event processing job is run before Master planning.
Watch the following video for a demonstration of Pegging event processing and Item coverage settings.