Exercise - Deploy a Spring Boot application


In this unit, you'll configure your Spring Boot application to be deployed through Maven. Then you'll create and deploy to an Azure App Service instance.

Configure the Maven plug-in

The deployment process to Azure App Service automatically uses your Azure credentials from the Azure CLI.

Run the following Maven command to configure the deployment. This command helps you set up the App Service operating system, Azure subscription, and Java version.

mvn com.microsoft.azure:azure-webapp-maven-plugin:1.12.0:config
  1. When you're prompted with the Subscription option, select a subscription by entering the appropriate number at the beginning of the line.

  2. When you're prompted with the Web App option, accept the default option <create> by pressing Enter.

  3. When you're prompted with the OS option, select linux by pressing Enter.

  4. Choose the default Java version, 1.8, by pressing Enter.

  5. At the last prompt, press Enter to confirm your selections.

    Please confirm webapp properties
    AppName : demo-1604579125693
    ResourceGroup : demo-1604579125693-rg
    Region : eastus
    PricingTier : PremiumV2_P1v2
    OS : Linux
    Java : Java 8
    Web server stack: Java SE
    Deploy to slot : false
    Confirm (Y/N) [Y]: Y
    [INFO] Saving configuration to pom.
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time:  28.781 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2020-11-05T14:30:00+02:00
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------


The default value for the region is westeurope. For the best performance, change the value to eastus because your database is located in this region.

In your project's pom.xml file, change the following field.


Deploy the app

The Maven deployment plug-in creates your Azure App Service server. It copies your JAR file to the application server's /local/site/wwwroot directory. Finally, the plug-in starts your application by using your Spring Boot JAR file's embedded HTTP server.

Next, deploy your Spring Boot application to Azure by using the following command:

mvn package com.microsoft.azure:azure-webapp-maven-plugin:1.12.0:deploy

This screenshot shows the application deployed to Azure App Service:

Screenshot showing the deployed application.

Test the Azure App Service application

When the deployment finishes, your application is ready at http://<appName>.azurewebsites.net/.

To test the application, you can use cURL.

As you redeployed your application, you cleared the database. Now you need to create a new to-do item in the database:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --request POST \
    --data '{"description":"configuration","details":"congratulations, you have set up your Spring Boot application correctly!","done": "true"}' \

This command should return the created item:

{"id":1,"description":"configuration","details":"congratulations, you have set up your Spring Boot application correctly!","done":true}

Retrieve the data by using a new cURL request:

curl http://<appName>.azurewebsites.net

This command returns the list of to-do items, including the item you created:

[{"id":1,"description":"configuration","details":"congratulations, you have set up your Spring Boot application correctly!","done":true}]


You can also open the URL in a web browser to return the list of to-do items.