SharePoint triggers


A trigger is the event that starts the flow. For example, if an item is added or edited in Microsoft Lists, it triggers a flow for an action, such as sending an email notification.

Available SharePoint triggers for a Power Automate flow

SharePoint Connector for Microsoft Power Automate supports the following flow triggers.

Trigger Description
When an item is created Triggers when an item is created.
When an item is created or modified Triggers when an item is created and each time that it's modified.
When an item or a file is modified Triggers the flow when you modify an item or a file in a SharePoint list or a document library. For more info about how to use this trigger, see this tutorial video: Introducing 'when an item or file modified' trigger and 'Get changes' action
When an item is deleted Triggers when an item is deleted in a list. This trigger can only be used by site collection admins of the site where the list is located.
For a selected item This trigger allows you to start a flow for a selected item in list or library. You can use the columns of the list or library as output parameters. For a file, you can use the identifier column to get file content.
When a file is classified by a content understanding model Triggers when a Microsoft SharePoint Syntex content understanding model classifies a file, which is shown in the classification date property of the file.
When a file is created (properties only) Triggers when an item is created in a library. Returns only properties that are stored in the library columns. You can add a "Get file content" step and then use the File identifier property that is returned by this action to get to the contents of the file.
When a file is created or modified (properties only) Triggers the flow when you create a file, and each time you modify the file properties in a library. Returns only the custom file properties associated with that file.
When a file is deleted Triggers when a file is deleted in a library. Optionally, you can specify a folder to watch as well. When a folder is deleted, the trigger fires only once for the deleted folder. This trigger can only be used by site collection admins of the site where the list is located.
For a selected file This trigger allows you to start a flow for a selected file. Inputs are: Site Address and Library Name. Outputs are: Name, Link to Item, and ID.
When a site has requested to join a hub site Triggers a flow on hub site join approval.

Key features and capabilities

The following features are only available for Power Automate.

Some SharePoint triggers have advanced options that help avoid issues such as threshold limits. The following triggers have advanced options.

When an item is created

For the When an item is created trigger, you can select views from the list in Microsoft Lists to limit columns by view and avoid threshold issues.

Screenshot of the When an item is created dialog box.

The same advanced option is also available for the following triggers:

  • When an item is created or modified

  • When a file is classified by a content understanding model

  • When a file is created (properties only)

  • When a file is created or modified (properties only)

  • When an item or a file is modified

When a site has requested to join a hub site

The When a site has requested to join a hub site trigger has an option that lets add an input.

Screenshot of the When a site has requested to join a hub site dialog box.

When this trigger is selected, you can choose the type of user input to collect.

Screenshot of the dialog box with Add an input button selected to reveal the input types of Text, Yes/No, File, Email, Number, and Date.