Explore the Azure OpenAI schema


By incorporating Azure OpenAI into your PostgreSQL database, you can create highly scalable AI-powered apps. This integration allows you to use the familiar SQL language and the flexibility of PostgreSQL to build intelligent solutions within your database layer. Whether natural language processing, recommendation systems, or content generation, Azure OpenAI empowers your applications.

The azure_openai schema installed by the azure_ai extension allows you to connect to and interact with an Azure OpenAI Service instance. This schema enables seamless integration with the Azure OpenAI service, allowing you to create powerful generative AI applications directly from your PostgreSQL database.

Create embeddings

With the azure_openai schema, you can call the create_embeddings() function, which generates vector embeddings from within the database layer. These embeddings allow efficient storage, indexing, and querying of high-dimensional vectors. The function can take on two forms:

  • azure_openai.create_embeddings(text,text,integer,boolean,integer,integer)
  • azure_openai.create_embeddings(text,text[],integer,integer,boolean,integer,integer)

The following table describes the arguments expected by the function:

Argument Type Default Description
deployment_name text Name of the embedding model deployment in Azure OpenAI studio. This name typically refers to a deployment of the text-embeddings-ada-002 model.
input text or text[] Input text (or array of input text) for which vector embeddings are created.
batch_size integer 100 Only applies when the input argument is an array of text values. batch_size specifies the number of records from the array to process simultaneously.
timeout_ms integer NULL::integer Timeout in milliseconds after which the operation is stopped.
throw_on_error boolean true Flag indicating whether the function should, on error, throw an exception, resulting in a rollback of the wrapping transactions.
max_attempts integer 1 Number of times to retry the call to Azure OpenAI service in the event of a failure.
retry_delay_ms integer 1000 Amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before attempting to retry calling the Azure OpenAI service endpoint.

Configure a connection to Azure OpenAI

Before using the azure_openai functions, configure the extension with your Azure OpenAI service endpoint and key. The following command represents the queries you would use to set the endpoint and key required to connect to your Azure OpenAI instance:

SELECT azure_ai.set_setting('azure_openai.endpoint', '{endpoint}');
SELECT azure_ai.set_setting('azure_openai.subscription_key', '{api-key}');

You can then use the get_setting() function to verify the settings written in the azure_ai.settings configuration table:

SELECT azure_ai.get_setting('azure_openai.endpoint');
SELECT azure_ai.get_setting('azure_openai.subscription_key');

Enable vector support with the vector extension

The azure_openai.create_embeddings() function in the azure_ai extension allows you to generate embeddings for input text. To enable the generated vectors to be stored alongside the rest of your data in the database, you must also install the vector extension by following the guidance in the enable vector support in your database documentation.

You can install the vector extension using the CREATE EXTENSION command.


Generate and store vectors

In the AI-powered rental property recommendation application you're developing for Margie's Travel, you must add a new column to the target table using the vector data type to store embeddings within that table after adding vector support to the database. Vectors are enabled on the listings table to allow semantic search capabilities when executing queries to search for available properties. The text-embedding-ada-002 model produces vectors with 1,536 dimensions, so you must specify 1536 as the vector size.

ALTER TABLE listings
ADD COLUMN description_vector vector(1536);

The listings table is now ready to store embeddings. Using the azure_openai.create_embeddings() function, you create vectors for the description field and insert them into the newly created description_vector column in the listings table.

UPDATE listings
SET description_vector = azure_openai.create_embeddings('{your-deployment-name}', description);

Each embedding is a vector of floating-point numbers, so the distance between two embeddings in the vector space is correlated with the semantic similarity between two inputs in the original format.