Prepare for guided project
This module is a guided project where you use Visual Studio Code to develop a proof-of-concept artificially intelligent travel assistant. The project demonstrates how the Semantic Kernel SDK can interface with a large language model (LLM) to process and retrieve information, and integrate native code to perform specialized tasks. In this project, you develop the functionality to assist users with their travel plans. Let's start by setting up your development environment!
Project overview
In this project, you apply what you learned about the Semantic Kernel SDK. The AI Travel Agent project uses Visual Studio Code to simulate a travel agent that performs tasks such as destination recommendation, currency conversion, and more. This project demonstrates how the Semantic Kernel SDK can be used to create artificially intelligent agents that can automate custom tasks.
Use the following steps to prepare for the Guided Project exercises:
You must have .NET Framework 8.0 installed and a Github account to complete these steps.
Open Visual Studio Code
Under the Visual Studio Code Start section, select Clone Git Repository
In the URL bar, enter
In the File Explorer, create a new folder in a location that is easy to find and remember, such as a folder in your Desktop
Click the Select as Repository Destination button
You need to be signed in to GitHub to successfully clone the project
Open the project in Visual Studio Code
In Explorer, right-click the AITravelAgent/Starter folder and click Open in Integrated Terminal
Expand the Starter folder
You should see a "Plugins" folder, a "Prompts" folder, and "Program.cs" file.
Open the Program.cs file and update the following variables with your Azure OpenAI Services deployment name, API key, endpoint
string yourDeploymentName = ""; string yourEndpoint = ""; string yourKey = "";
The deployment model must be "gpt-35-turbo-16k" for some of the Semantic Kernel SDK features to work.
Now you're ready to begin the Guided Project exercises. Good luck!