

Quantum computers work fundamentally differently from classical computers. They can offer solutions when classical computers run into limitations. But why is that? What makes quantum computing so special? And how can you run quantum algorithms on real quantum computers from your own home?

Azure Quantum is an open ecosystem to build quantum computing solutions. It offers the flexibility to use your preferred development tools with support for Qiskit and Q#. Learn how you can use the familiar and trusted Azure platform to develop quantum algorithms and run them on real hardware from multiple providers.

In this module, you learn about the history of quantum computing and the requirements to build a quantum computer. You also learn about the Azure Quantum service and its components.

Learning objectives

After you complete this module, you're able to:

  • Tell the difference between a classical and a quantum computer.
  • Define what quantum computing and quantum bits are.
  • Describe the applications of quantum computing.
  • Define the Azure Quantum service and its components.


  • Basic knowledge of the Azure ecosystem.
  • Familiarity with programming concepts.