

Quantum computing holds the promise of solving some of our planet's biggest challenges. In this module, you learned about the basic unit of quantum information, the qubit, and how it differs from a classical bit. You also learned the five DiVincenzo criteria for building a quantum computer. Finally, you examined the characteristics and applications of quantum computing.

After learning about the Azure Quantum service and its components, you can see that it's possible to start your quantum computing journey today with Azure Quantum. Azure Quantum is an open, flexible, and future-proofed cloud ecosystem for quantum computing. Azure Quantum provides a diverse set of quantum computing solutions and technologies.

  • Access to diverse quantum hardware devices.
  • Free Azure Quantum Credits.
  • A Resource Estimator to help you estimate the resources needed to run your quantum programs.
  • A quantum programming language, Q#.
  • Copilot to help you write your quantum programs.