Introduction to Azure Repos


Azure Repos is a set of version control tools that you can use to manage your code.

Using version control is a good idea whether your software project is large or small.

Azure Repos provides two types of version control:

  • Git: distributed version control
  • Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC): centralized version control

What do I get with Azure Repos?

  • Use free private Git repositories, pull requests, and code search: Get unlimited private Git repository hosting and support for TFVC that scales from a hobby project to the world’s largest repository.
  • Support for any Git client: Securely connect with and push code into your Git repository from any IDE, editor, or Git client.
  • Web hooks and API integration: Add validations and extensions from the marketplace or build your own-using web hooks and REST APIs.
  • Semantic code search: Quickly find what you are looking for with a code-aware search that understands classes and variables.
  • Collab to build better code: Do more effective Git code reviews with threaded discussion and continuous integration for each change. Use forks to promote collaboration with inner source workflows.
  • Automation with built-in CI/CD: Set up continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) to automatically trigger builds, tests, and deployments. Including every completed pull request using Azure Pipelines or your tools.
  • Protection of your code quality with branch policies: Keep code quality high by requiring code reviewer sign-out, successful builds, and passing tests before merging pull requests. Customize your branch policies to maintain your team’s high standards.
  • Usage of your favorite tools: Use Git and TFVC repositories on Azure Repos with your favorite editor and IDE.

For further reference on using git in Azure Repos, refer to Microsoft Learn.