Agile Plan and Portfolio Management with Azure Boards


Estimated time: 60 minutes.


In this lab, you'll learn about the agile planning and portfolio management tools and processes provided by Azure Boards and how they can help you quickly plan, manage, and track work across your entire team. You'll explore the product backlog, sprint backlog, and task boards that can track the flow of work during an iteration. We'll also look at the enhanced tools in this release to scale for larger teams and organizations.


After completing this lab, you'll be able to:

  • Manage teams, areas, and iterations.
  • Manage work items.
  • Manage sprints and capacity.
  • Customize Kanban boards.
  • Define dashboards.
  • Customize team process.



During this lab, you'll complete the following exercises:

  • Exercise 0: Configure the lab prerequisites.
  • Exercise 1: Manage an Agile project.
  • Exercise 2 (optional): Define dashboards.

Screenshot of a launch button which will take you to the lab.