Identify the audience


Identifying the audience is one of the most important steps in the report design process. It enables the report author to create a final result that can be efficiently used and will meet the needs of the report consumer.

The three broad report consumer audiences are:

  • Executive

  • Analyst

  • Information worker

An executive is a person who is charged with making plans and decisions that often involve a medium or long-term focus. Executives are responsible for making the business run smoothly. For example, the C-level executives at the Contoso Skateboard Store would be an executive audience.

Image shows an example Power BI report on a mobile device and a photograph of an executive.

An analyst is a person who provides guidance to the organization. Analysts can be responsible for a range of tasks, often with goals of determining the effectiveness of business strategies, developing or improving processes, or implementing change. A business analyst (or data analyst) in the sales division of the Contoso Skateboard Store is an example of an analyst audience.

Image shows an example Power BI report and a photograph of an analyst.

An information worker is someone who uses data to help make decisions or take actions. Often, these decisions and actions are operational in that they are done on a daily basis. The inventory manager at the Contoso Skateboard Store, who needs up-to-date information about stock levels, is an example of an information worker audience.

Image shows an example Power BI report from the Contoso Skateboard Store.