

In this module, you learned how to:

  • Create a web app based on a Maven archetype in IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Deploy a web app to Azure by using Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ.
  • Monitor web app on Azure with Log Streaming within IntelliJ IDEA.
  • Manage web app configurations using the Azure Toolkit for IntelliJ.

You now have a good understanding of how to connect to Azure from IntelliJ IDEA, and how to deploy and manage an Azure web app with the toolkit.

Clean up

The sandbox automatically cleans up your resources when you're finished with this module.

When you're working in your own subscription, it's a good idea at the end of a project to identify whether you still need the resources you created. Resources that you leave running can cost you money. You can delete resources individually or delete the resource group to delete the entire set of resources.

Learn more