Display list data


Because React is based on JSX, which is a combination of JavaScript and XML/HTML, you can generate HTML dynamically, fully integrated with your JavaScript.


You want to display the list of ingredients, including adding a line-through for any items marked as prepared. Do this by creating a new .css file for the style, and then a new component for your list of ingredients.

Create the new style

  1. Create a new file in src named IngredientList.css.

  2. Add the following code to IngredientList.css:

    .prepared {
        text-decoration: line-through;

Create the component

Because your HTML is integrated with JavaScript in JSX, you rely on JavaScript for logic and looping. To display a set of items contained in an array, you typically use the map function. map is designed to create a new array of items based on the result of a function call. If you want to display a list of titles in an ordered list, use both map and the { } syntax you learned earlier.

  1. Inside src, create a new file named IngredientList.jsx.

  2. Add the following code to the file:

    import './IngredientList.css'
    import React from 'react';
    function IngredientList(props) {
        // Create the list items using map
        const ingredientListItems = props.ingredients.map((ingredient, index) => {
            return (
                // Return the desired HTML for each ingredient
                <li key={index} className={ ingredient.prepared ? 'prepared' : '' }>
                    { ingredient.name }
        // return the HTML for the component
        // ingredientListItems will be rendered as li elements
        return (
                { ingredientListItems }
    export default IngredientList;

Explore the code

Start by creating an array of strings to contain your list of ingredients. You want each ingredient to be displayed as a list item. You implement this by using map.

As highlighted earlier, map behaves similarly to a for each statement. It runs the function once for each item in the array. You want to display a collection of li HTML elements, so you return the appropriate JSX, with {ingredient} inside li.

Update App to use IngredientList

Let's display your list of ingredients!

  1. Open src/app.jsx.

  2. After the line that reads TODO: Import IngredientList, add the following code:

    // TODO: Import IngredientList
    import IngredientList from './IngredientList'
  3. After the line that reads TODO: Add IngredientList component, add the following JavaScript:

    {/* TODO: Add IngredientList component */}
    <IngredientList ingredients={recipe.ingredients} />

Display the results

Save all the files. The browser will automatically update and display the new updates. Notice the list of ingredients, with the last two items shown as prepared, with a line through them.

Screenshot of list of ingredients.