Tutorial 3 - Disconnect sequence from record


There may be times when you no longer want to have a sequence associated with a lead or opportunity. In those instances, you can easily detach a sequence from a record. Once disconnected, sellers no longer see the sequence steps regarding a record.


To effectively complete the tutorials in this module, you will need either a trial environment or a sandbox environment with Sales Insights.

In this example, we disconnect the Tutorial sequence from the Robin and Debra leads from the previous tutorial.

  1. In Dynamics 365 Sales, switch to the Sales Insights area.

  2. Under the Sales Accelerator group, select Sequences.

  3. Select the Vertical Ellipsis next to the Tutorial sequence you created earlier.

  4. From the menu that appears, select View sequence.

    Screenshot of view sequence in the menu.

  5. Select the Connected leads tab.

  6. Under the Connected leads section, select the records you want to disconnect from the sequence.

  7. Select the Disconnect button.

    Screenshot of the disconnect button.

  8. On the Disconnect records screen, select the Disconnect button.

Refer to the previous unit to learn how to connect this sequence to leads.