Main account categories


Linking the main accounts to main account categories helps you take advantage of default financial reports without needing to make changes. As a result, you can quickly and nearly effortlessly design and maintain reports.

You can use main account categories to classify a general ledger account better. Primarily, you would use main account categories for grouping or selecting ledger accounts for Cubes and key performance indicators (KPIs). By default, Dynamics 365 Finance provides over fifty ledger account categories in its demo data.

General ledger > Chart of accounts > Accounts > Main account categories

Screenshot of the Main account categories page.

You can change the Main account categoryDescription, and Main account type values at any time for user-defined and default main account categories.

Close main account categories

To inactivate a main account category, including any of the default main account categories, select the Closed checkbox on the Main account categories page. If you try to close a main account category that's already linked to a main account, the system displays a warning message that lists the linked main accounts. Select Continue or Cancel. After a main account category closes, you can't link it to main accounts.

You can delete a user-defined main account category from the Main account categories page if it isn't assigned for use. You can't delete default ledger account categories.