Main account validation options
Four posting validation settings are available for you to define for each account. You can set posting validation for the following options:
Currency code
User ID
Posting types
Sales tax posting type for ledger posting group
You can base validation settings on the following criteria:
Optional - The system doesn't validate the field at the time of posting. This setting is the default.
Required - The system verifies that the field is completed for posting. The value isn't checked.
Specify single valid option - The system verifies that the field is completed for posting and that the value corresponds with the specified value in the account.
Specify multiple valid options - The system verifies that the field is completed with one of the defined values on the Validation list button. This setting activates the validation buttons, such as User validation and Posting validation.
A company's finance department requires that only specific persons can post transactions that have the Sales tax posting type.
The solution for this scenario is to set up the validation setting for Validate user to be Specify multiple valid options and for the Posting type to be Specify single valid option.