Activate and delete financial dimensions


When you activate a financial dimension, the system updates the table so that it includes the name of the financial dimension. The system also removes the dimensions. You can enter dimension values before you activate a financial dimension.

You can't use a financial dimension in Finance until it's activated.

For example, you can't add a financial dimension to an account structure until you activate the financial dimension. When you select Activate, the system updates all dimensions and then updates the Status field to Active.

General ledger > Chart of accounts > Accounts > Financial dimensions

Screenshot of the Financial dimensions page with Activate highlighted.


On the Text translations page, you can enter text for the selected financial dimension in various languages. On any page in Finance that has a Translations button, such as on the Main account translation page, you can enter this text.

Screenshot of the finance and operations Text translations page.

Not all dimensions are valid for all legal entities. Also, some dimensions might be relevant for a specific period only. In these cases, you can use the Legal entity overrides section to specify the companies that the dimension should be suspended for, the owner, and the period when the dimension is active.

Go to General ledger > Chart of accounts > Dimensions > Financial dimensions, select a financial dimension, and then select Dimension values.

Screenshot of the Legal entity overrides section on the Financial dimensions page.

Delete a financial dimension

To help maintain referential integrity of the data, you can delete financial dimensions only on rare occasions. If you try to delete a financial dimension, make sure that you complete an evaluation to determine if it meets the following criteria:

  • The financial dimension is used on posted or unposted transactions or it's in any type of dimension value combination.

  • The financial dimension is used in any active account structure, advanced rule structure, or financial dimension set.

  • The financial dimension is part of a default financial dimension integration format.

  • The financial dimension is set up as a default dimension.

If the financial dimension meets any of these criteria, you can't delete it.